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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. http://ryehouserockets.co/news.php?extend.523.1 No signings. Ben Morley and r/r to fill in until the injured riders return
  2. From Twitter: https://twitter.com/Point2Bikes/status/318828011812163584/photo/1
  3. My plan was to sit it out in the car until about 5 minutes before the start, but a combination of a large latte, weak bladder and the cold meant I had to get into the stadium and avail myself of the facilities!!
  4. Indeed. Before speculating who is replacing who, spare a thought for those riders who could be out of action for a while.
  5. My only critisism would be that there should've been more communication with the ambulance taking Jason to hospital. The bikes should've started warmimg up as soon as the ambulance had left Harlow, not once it returned. That would've only saved 10 minutes or so though. I fail to see how all the other delays could've been avoided. Just one of those days!
  6. Should've stood next to you. All that hot air would've kept us all warm
  7. Not sure how long Lambert will be out for, 6-8 weeks with a broken ankle, depending on the severity. What happens next will determine our season.
  8. Same here... Can't work that out unless Lambert was taken to hospital by private transport, or waited until after heat 15
  9. Jari Makinen confirmed dislocated shoulder & elbow... Jason Bunyan had a back injury and was complaining of breathing difficulties, suspected broken ribs... Simon Lambert has a suspected broken ankle... Speedy recovery to all three.
  10. There's always the possibility that the poster is genuine and is really stupid.
  11. We left before the heat 12 rerun, convinced of another long delay and possible abandonment. Not really bothered about missing the last 4 heats. By then we'd both had enough of the bitterly cold conditions. Racing was pretty good on a difficult track. Leigh Lanham was up in the referee's box during one of the enforced breaks complaining about the state of the track surface, can't say I blame him. Looked like marbles on the 4th bend and riders were also having problems on the exit of bend 2. Don't think the track was to blame for any of the injuries though.
  12. Good shout Bolly... I assumed it was only for private functions... During the RR years the riders wives and girlfriends used to base themselves there during the meetings
  13. CHAIRGATE... THE EVIDENCE Make up your own minds http://i207.photobuc...zps327401b4.png
  14. Nobody better stand in front of me today and spoil my view
  15. There is the bar on the 4th bend, but I'm not sure how well you'll be able to see bends 1 & 2 from there. *edit* Just been informed that there is no way of seeing bends 1 & 2 from the bar. What do I know? Only been going to Rye House since 1985!
  16. This is a forum, it's all about opinions. Interesting that you form an opinion without even knowing me. You're either a genius or an idiot,. I know what my money is on
  17. It closed in 1932... How old do you think I am? I take it you saw my FB photos from this morning?
  18. The voice of reason The fact that he was using the c word in the presence of children has been glossed over. In your opinon. In my opinion anyone who holds an opinion different to mine is a moron
  19. Can't say I share the views of most. Barker will be hard to beat and Lanham loves the Rye House track. Unlike Ipswich, the gates won't determine who wins a race. Could go either way
  20. Looked a nailed on signing to me, but would've been a budget buster... Can't say I blame Silver for not wanting to ruin the club. Gotta live within your means I s'pose.
  21. Wasted 6.99 signing Simon Lambert if you take his average and what's remaining up to 42.5... Surely there was someone around who would've fitted into a second string berth to allow Jason Garrity to start at reserve? Len Silver is on record as saying that he doesn't look at the points and signs the best seven riders available. Really? Why not admit that it was purely a financial decision?
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