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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Not sure how many meetings are needed before the averages change? Driving along the M25 in Essex and the sun is shining. Some rain around, but not enough to make the track unraceable surely?
  2. To be fair I can only remember one occasion where he got it wrong. The track will be wet from recent rain and being very close to the river won't help with the water table being high. More rain forecast around lunchtime, so I guess he had little choice. Nothing to gain from a rain off, so he must have very good reasons. May 25th is a reserved date according to official Rye website
  3. He's a nice guy and has good equipment. That's the stock answer.
  4. He has a full time job, so I doubt he'd want any extra meetings. Almost certain about that.
  5. Thankfully it was only that... Did you see his score at Sheffield last night? The only riders he beat were James Sarjeant and Ben Hopwood
  6. I second that. Looks a different rider this year. Much more in control, but still has something about him that can have you with your heart in your mouth on occasions. He's the type of rider people pay to watch.
  7. Either they have a spectacular name lined up and they are building the tension, or they haven't found anyone yet. I'm going for the latter. It probably won't be Robert Lambert as I've heard he can only commit to half a dozen meetings due to other commitments.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2646807?day=1 Heavy rain in the morning, showers in the afternoon. Gonna be touch and go I reckon.
  9. As Wizzer says, GB has two places open. I presume the 1st & 2nd in the U21 final grabbed those places. Jason Garrity was 3rd, so why the fuss? He didn't qualify
  10. You won't get any from me. I posted my views on the U21 thread after leaving the meeting on Monday. I said to the people I was standing with that he was destined not to win it after breezing into the final. That's the way things are I'm afraid and I can't see them reverting back to the old format. I'm sure we'd be celebrating if Jason had sneaked into the final through the semi and won it
  11. Can't think of many buses that would take a couple of speedway bikes plus associated equipment. Cheers Gary. I didn't actually see the coming together itself, my eyes were elsewhere.. Got my info 2nd hand
  12. Best way to show your dissatisfaction is to stop going surely? Not an easy decision for the loyal fan for the reason Jackson has stated
  13. Why do you reckon that was then? Couldn't have been something to do with the huge gap in class and experience between some of the field perhaps? The better riders were more often than not quickest away from the tapes leaving the slower guys way behind. When Jason Garrity missed the gate in heat 13 he found himself last entering the first bend, but had skillfully picked his way through the field to lead by the end of the third lap. Perhaps some sort of handicap starting system should be the way to go in future events. Jason Garrity was lucky to be in the heats immediately after the track was graded, except for the final.
  14. Sorry to have raised your blood pressure greyhound! I made my original post while waiting for a coffee at Watford Gap Services, so completely forgot to congratulate Robert Branford on winning the title, deserved or not. A few other observations: Poor Stefan Nielsen had a torrid evening that started when he opened the programme to see Simon Nielsens photograph in the rider biogs. Didn't get any better when he had a coming together with Shane Hazelden on the parade lap! Talking of Shane, I was told that this was his first meeting of the season. Can anyone confirm this? It was pretty obvious that there was a huge gap in class and experience, as there usually is in these U21 competitions. At the top of the scale you have Kyle Howarth, already getting Elite League rides with Poole, and at the bottom you have Matt Williamson, with very little speedway experience.Most races you could predict the outcome of fairly comfortably with the likes of PL stars Tom Perry, Jason Garrity et al sprinkled through the field. Still, mostly entertaining, even though some of the guys were struggling to find passing lines on that tight track. The lack of falls and no serious injuries made it less of an ordeal than I was expecting. Special mention to Ben Morely who faces an expensive repair bill after his engine blew at the gate in heat 12.
  15. Doubt I'll make it, can't get any leave from work in July & August.
  16. What a terrible injustice. Garrity wins all of his heats with style, misses the gate in the final and has the trophy, rightfully his, snatched away. Anyone who thinks that this format isn't bolloc*s is a fool. Special mention to James Sarjeant who looked decent tonight. Can't believe he's been overlooked when rubbish like Davey and Jake Anderson are getting PL team places.
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