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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. I'm sure these things used to go on in the "good old days", but its totally unacceptable. No doubt some sort of punishment should insue, but you can bet your life nothing will happen. Unless its in the referees report it'll just be forgotten. Some of these hot heads need to be sat in a room with the likes of Garry Stead and Laurence Hare for a while to realise how dangerous the sport is. If Dakota North is any sort of man he'll be making a full and unreserved apology.
  2. Surely Silver wouldn't have deliberately called Saturdays meeting off knowing Tyson wouldn't be there?
  3. Tai did a couple of years in the PL at Rye House. Didn't do him any harm whatsoever. Worse thing Robert could do is go down the Lewis Bridger route and skip the PL altogether. Like you, I don't think cash will be the motive. Rye look after their favoured riders very well.
  4. Any truth in the rumour that Harris was making noises about not riding in the SWC if he didn't recieve a wild card spot? Perhaps he was being leaned on by sponsors?
  5. Interesting. Do you have a link to the scorecard please?
  6. The parade at Rye House starts at 7pm prompt for Saturday meetings, the first heat usually 10 minutes after. If the weather looks iffy they don't bother with the parade and just get on with the racing. One thing I do miss from the old days at Rye is the riders going round on their bikes after being introduced.
  7. People rarely moan without a reason, unless they're female. It's all down to personal taste.
  8. Would you be prepared to take the torrent of abuse that would come your way when you make your first inevitable mistake?
  9. Rosco was terrible. Constantly getting the names wrong and mugging for the cameras. Tai came across well though although seemed a little shy. I'm sure he could blosom into a decent summariser. I still think David Norris gave it a decent shot though. For me the best commentry duo are the two guys who did the radio commentary for last years British GP, Darren Fletcher and Jan Staechmann.
  10. Not the best I've seen, but a fair evenings entrtainment. You'll never get 15 heats of brilliant speedway anywhere. With only one live speedway meeting a week as the norm it's gonna be very hit and miss anyway. Imagine if there was only one live football match on TV every week? The odds of a fantastic game of football would be pretty long. 14 riders with only half of them looking like they had a race in them. Scunthorpes reserves looked a little out of their depth. Perhaps we caught them on a bad night.
  11. Leicester should've taken a look at Scunthorpe before planning their new stadium & track
  12. Need someone with a shed full of cash to revive Berrington Lough.
  13. Glad I'm not a team manager... The rules of speedway are baffling for what seems to be on the whole a simple sport.
  14. Unless it's change the 7 day rule doesn't count for your number 1 and I think the top averaged reserve
  15. Shouldn't effect attendances initially, but when the novelty wears off who knows? I must admit to not knowing some of the names in the side, I'm not a regular NL follower, so I can't say what their chances of silverware are. I'll be there for the opener against the US touring side, but can't make the regular slot. If I really wanted an NL fix I can drive to Mildenhall in the same time and on a more convenient day/time. M25/Dartford Crossing on a weekday rush hour? hmmmmmm......
  16. Badly injured enough to withdraw from a meeting he was struggling in, but made a remarkable recovery to race in a meeting two days later. Threw his toys out of the pram cos he knew he was getting seeded through
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