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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Afternoon meetings at Rye are generally pants. Perhaps being colder may help. Hot sunny days don't help to keep any moisture in the track
  2. Every week there is a request for first aiders, this week it was two required. I think there's a benefit meeting planned for him at the end of the season, so you can take it that he has retired
  3. I dunno, could be. I only heard him mention Luke's name and put 2 & 2 together. Is that Indi the Ace of Herts?
  4. Perhaps I phrased it incorrectly... It was clearly Rusty on the line, but the ref amazingly gave it to Kasper... I had already typed out a 2-4 on my phone ready to Tweet when the ref announced the result
  5. Not sure if Luke is eligable to race in the NL... Was on a 5.57 average before his season was ended early by injury.
  6. Just to pi$$ Comets fans off, Ken of T2TV posted a still of the finish of the race where you can clearly see Rusty finish ahead of the Rockets rider, turning a Comets 4-2 into a 3-3
  7. Luke Bowen making his comeback, I presume for Kent... I thought I heard Chris Schramm's name announced at Rye last night, I'm guessing in the Dons side.
  8. Only 5 home heat winners is pretty poor. Expected an away win before the start of heat 15, but GT Lawson missed the gate and was nowhere. Comets had their gating boots on and looked more up for it. Poor performance from Howarth cost them an away win. Apathy amongst the Rye fans. Rockets just weren't at the races and it showed. Comets should be disappointed not to have taken the win. They'll never have a better chance to win at Rye House.
  9. Thanks Bolly. Later on we'll have highlights of they grumpy old boy by the startline mouthing off at the ref at 9pm followed by a new cookery programne, Shadders Cooks Quorn, at 9.30.
  10. I'm a few miles to the south where we've had some light showers. Still a few dark clouds about, but plenty of blue sky and bright sunshine. BBC weather forecast is usually pretty reliable http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2646807 Over to Bolly, our Hoddesdon weatherman with the local weather... Good afternoon Bolly
  11. Didn't see much in that Redcar side that lost heavily to Rye House last week to worry about.
  12. Full stop, really? Speedway by it's very nature carries a high risk of injury. There can't be any riders of his age or experience that haven't suffered injury of some sort. Olly Allen doesn't strike me as being particularly "injury prone"
  13. Far from convinced by him. Actually dropped his average this year and can't gate for $hit. I'll be amazed if he's back with the Rockets next year.
  14. That'll save me Sky+ing it. Cheers Shouldn't think that Brazil v Australia will keep many away
  15. Not expecting a bumper crowd. England playing Moldova and the Latvian GP on TV.
  16. You think? There's a first! Never seen a concrete/dust machine. I have no idea what that is. If your riders are too dopey to notice the camber on the track walk that's their problem.
  17. Following a Friday forecast of steady rain it looks ok for Saturday. Track should be in decent shape. Obviously Workington will be desperate to get something out of this whereas the Rockets just want to keep it ticking over for the KOC final. Expected line ups: Rockets: Olly Allen, Pontus Aspgren, Jason Bunyan, Tyson Nelson, Anders Mellgren, Kasper Lykke, Oliver Greenwood. Comets: Richard Lawson, Tero Aarnio, Kyle Howarth, Rusty Harrison, Rene Bach, Ashley Morris, Chris Mills.
  18. By half a bike length, but wasn't Ostergaard ahead of Kasper for the entire race?
  19. These people are obviously fools... I don't understand what people want from speedway these days. There were 30 hard fought heats with loads of incidents and good racing, all for 20 quid. 40,000+ people pay a fortune to go to Cardiff for the GP every year with half as much going on as there was last night and people are still not satisfied.
  20. Cheers for that Rob He's there every week and makes a fool of himself.... well, every week!
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