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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Don't be daft. It was hardly a fair contest. He had about 8 inches in height and 15 years on me, I may be daft, but I'm not stupid! How do you know he isnt a Somerset fan and what's where you live got to do with it?
  2. This happened last year at the OTA. I may have mentioned it once or twice before!!
  3. Jeeesus, they must be desperate for bouncers down your way. The bloke threatened to kick the $hit out of me in the car park and I'm the aggressor? You're either on a monumental wind up, or as mad as a box of frogs
  4. I didn't witness anyone abusing Morris when he fell. Where was this person standing? Near you I take it?
  5. My face is wrinkled from constant laughter. Unless you witnessed the incident you really shouldn't comment. For the record, the steward was relieved of his duties shortly after, which pretty much tells you all you need to know
  6. Where have I condoned that? You're not aware of the run ins I've had at away tracks when home fans have cheered when one of our riders has fallen. Only last year I was almost thrown out of the OTA by a steward after I squared up to a Somerset fan attempting to take photos of Luke Bowen lying on the track seriously injured.... Next! That's the best you've got? Marvellous!!
  7. Silly hats, balloons and party poppers imaginative? Perhaps at a kids birthday party
  8. Retired On an 11.60 average? That's the only problem?
  9. Morris was no angel after that crash. Dunno who your reliable informant is, but he's not telling you the full story.
  10. Afternoon started off badly. The chippy ran out of fish over half an hour before the start time. Some good racing, Doyle superb as usual. A horrific crash in the second half MDL final with two Belle Vue riders ploughing through the 4th bend fence at speed and getting up to walk away relatively unscathed. Who needs an air fence when we have the safest fence in British speedway? Some interesting comments during the presentation. Much of what the riders said was more or less unintelligible due to the crappy PA system in the bar. Only Len Silver was clealy understood as everyone decided to hush up, except for Jason Bunyan, who barracked him about the track! The announcement that the first meeting of 2014 will take place as late as 20th April, Easter Sunday, was surprising. Looks like the League Cup may be binned No clues as to the make up of next years side, but I did get a "see you next year" from Anders Mellgren as we left the stadium. Jason Garrity said he hoped to be for for next year, so he's gotta be a cert. It was also announced that attendances are slightly up on last year, so that's heartening.
  11. You sound like my ex wife. Very good at advising people how to spend their own money
  12. Why is a start of season filler competition being concluded at the fag end of the season?
  13. I didn't think the track looked particularly slick, but then I'm used to Rye House! Didn't think there was much more passing than at a decent Rye home meeting, but at that speed it's always gonna look more spectacular
  14. Wouldn't matter, it's a nothing meeting with absolutely no interest for me. I'd much rather watch a live team event, even if its of no importance, as tonight's is.
  15. Arsenal and speedway on TV, but we'll still be there
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