Still around fella. Settling into our new home, half a mile or so from the track. Not much to comment on at this time of the year, so I'm keeping my powder dry until we hear anything worthy of a mention.
Key injuries ruined our season, but in truth wasting 2 team building points and the retaining of Simon Lambert didn't help whatsoever. At least we had a cup final, although nobody in their right mind thought we'd win it. One rider I'd love to see in the side is Josh Grajczonek, but it won't happen.
Thanks, I should've thought of that. Not sure if they use those for team building. Don't they use rolling averages?
Also, Jason Garrity would have 5% off his average
Chris Neath had an attempt at improving Kasper's gating with little or no visible success. Lets face it, if Neathy can't help him who can?
I've seen a couple of live Danish meetings on the Internet involving Kasper and he's hardly pulling up any trees there either.
I understand they had a pre promoters meeting meeting a couple of weeks ago, presumably to get a flavour of what they're all thinking.
Kennett last appeared on the Bandits GS averages as 10.42 in early July. I doubt he'd had enough meetings to gain a proper PL average. His EL average of 6.39 converts to 9.71 after 5% deduction (if it still applies). I don't think he's worth taking the risk on that average.
These are just rough calculations, I could be a bit off.