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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Nah, football takes a back seat when the speedway season starts. If you're so confident of a Hull win, how much have you got on it? You can get 6/1 with Ladbrokes
  2. What have you been celebrating every other home meeting you've missed this year, Stevenage being relegated?Silly Ben
  3. Rye House aren't running a NL side this year
  4. Had a bit of a storm around half two, strong wind and rain. Currently bright, but with some threatening clouds to the south west. On the face of it the postponement looks to be a sensible decision
  5. Heavy rain all day Saturday. Will be called off before noon
  6. Does Lambert still race in Germany at the weekend?
  7. Ruthless by the Diamonds promotion, but should be applauded for trying to improve the side. Contrast that to Rye House who are content to track a rider who's average has dropped to under 2.00
  8. Yes indeed. We'll be back in a couple of weeks (weather permitting)Can't blame the Sheffield promotion for attempting to get the meeting on. It was only a sudden shower on a bladed track that forced the abandonment.
  9. Looks like a wasted journey for us. We're almost at Nottingham
  10. Now speedway is playing second fiddle to truck racing? The sport is going down the bog
  11. Some tremendous clashes between the two sides at Rye. Same can't be said about the return fixtures at the NA, except for one early season meeting (can't recall the year, may be 2007) when we came very close to a win there, Danny King scoring around 17 points. There was another occasion when we came very close with Leigh Lanham as our guest, (again, can't remember the year), but mostly it was heavy defeats, so bad that I stopped going for the last couple of years that KL were in the PL.
  12. Bit harsh on Doolan. He's not really a number one, just a decent second string these days. When Vissing moves to the number one spot it should take some pressure off him. I presume that part of the reason Kevin was signed was because he's a great bloke to have around the pits, much like the reason Rye House signed Simon Lambert. Fancy a swop?
  13. Don't know why anyone is surprised at track conditions. It's always like that for afternoon meetings.
  14. Rider replacement for a rider that's been sacked. You couldn't make it up!! Dick Barrie's gonna have a field day.
  15. That's nothing compared to the reception I'll get when B4E reads this in the morning!!
  16. Can't say that any PL side is universally disliked. We don't really have anyone close enough to Rye House to be classed as local rivals, but the team I enjoy beating most is Berwick for obvious reasons When I first started going in the mid 80's, meetings versus Hackney, Arena Essex & Mildenhall were always the grudge matches and although Wimbledon were a London side I didn't really get the feeling they were disliked when they came to Rye Not to mention some of their more obnoxious supporters
  17. I thought we were bad there last week, but this takes bad to a whole new level!! Reports say the attendance was well down on last year. I noticed far less than normal last week, but put it down to the poor forecast. Have the Somerset public lost interest in speedway?
  18. Another home defeat. Lewis Blackbird will be the Panthers match winner
  19. Quite happy to see the 4's remain at Peterborough despite the home advantage. Great track and facilities.
  20. Didn't realise this was a KOC fixture. Makes perfect sense to run it at the first possible opportunity. I s'pose I'll be heading up the M1 next Thursday afternoon
  21. I've been a long time critic of the Rye House facilities on this forum and elsewhere. There is a lot that needs to be looked at. The fish bar is always out of stock long before the meeting has ended and often before it's even started! The queue used to be out of the door, but nowadays you'll be lucky to have a line of half a dozen or more. The quality is another matter, but I can't really comment, because I no longer eat there, just what I've been told by those that have. They must have been expecting a larger than normal attendance and should've ordered extra stock, especially being an midweek evening meeting with the likelyhood that people would be coming straight from work. I was in the fish & chip business for 24 years and find it unbelievable that they don't know how to order properly. When the fish bar first opened it was up there on a par with Mildenhalls, now it's an embarrassment.
  22. Leigh Lanham led from the tapes, but Stefan Nielsen shot past him on the back straight. May have been lap 2
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