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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. For some, Cardiff GP weekend is the highlight of their year. I worked out the entire weekend cost the two of us close on £800. Two weeks all inclusive in Sharm is costing us just about double that. I know what I'd rather be spending my hard earned on
  2. The hotel we stayed at this year have bumped their room prices by £50 for next year. Staying somewhere else
  3. Just the Saturday night for us next year. It's just getting far too expensive to justify a full weekend. . We're having an extra week in Egypt next May instead. 2 weeks in the sun beats 2 days in Cardiff every time.
  4. I was planning on posting something very similar. We stayed behind at the end for half an hour or so, even spent money in the bar. The vibe around the place was totally different to the dreary Saturday night experience we've become used to, more like the good old days of the mid 2000's. Makes a change seeing people walking around with smiles on their faces, apart from away fans. There's even talk of a Northern Tour revival next year. This is of course is dependant on us having a team worth following and finding someone daft enough to organise it all!!
  5. Not really. Mellgren was forced wide when one of the Monarchs pair dived under him on the first bend mid race. Didn't see any contact. Looked a hard, but fair move to me. Not the best riders on show, but the best pairing.
  6. Sorry for lack of updates. Had a long weekend at Cardiff, dashing up the M4 to get there in time for the start. Just wanted to bask in the sunshine Decent start to the meeting, some good scraps, but the track got progressively slicker as the meeting went on. A couple of the pairings were a bit unbalanced. Has to feel for Richard Lawson. Best rider by a mile, but failed to qualify. The meeting dragged on for almost 4 hours due to the constant watering, 125/250cc races and that car stunt, but Craig's rider interviews kept things going. Decent crowd for Luke, but far too many annoying kids running around by the start line terracing. Nice to see some old faces around and to chat briefly with Anders Mellgren after the meeting, who wouldn't be drawn on his future plans. A nice day all round. Well done to all who helped organise.
  7. Doesn't look great. The kind of forecast that would usually mean an early postponement. I say usually
  8. She's also Bandits4Evas hairdresser and a good one too!! It's a pity the meeting couldn't be put back an hour or two as I'll have a very sore head after a couple of nights out in Cardiff. It'll mean a 10am departure from The Welsh capital, which I'm not sure I'll be able to manage from previous GP weekend experience.
  9. Kennett has a full time job outside of speedway. He could decide to pack racing in at any time. Garrity, on the other hand, I suspect is a full time speedway rider. I don't know what if any income he has outside of speedway. I suspect Silver would want cold hard cash.
  10. I doubt Rye House are losing money. Not paying out as much in points money this year has probably helped.
  11. Still have to stump up the cash. Silver won't give him away
  12. Would your promoter want to spend that kind money? I thought you were on the verge of closure?
  13. Doesn't take much to get me going and when I'm in full rant mode.... I'm not alone in most of what I post. Many feel the same, but don't use the forum, or don't want to make their views public. The people that really wind me up are the "if you can do better, why don't you have a go", the "I'd like to meet you to discuss things" and those who are so far up the riders backsides they can see what they had for breakfast. Riders come and go (except the odd one or two that hang around like a bad smell), but the team are always there. Best not to get too attached to them.
  14. I have no idea if and how much pit marshalls, time keepers & machine examiners are paid. I know the flag marshalls at Rye aren't paid. They used to receive a bag of chips and a free programme, plus water on a warm day. I'm not sure if this is still the case
  15. Don't be ridiculous. It's voluntary, they're not forced to do it. I can't stand these posts, riders risk their lives for our entertainment etc... So dull
  16. Fast track was only brought in to cut costs and keep the Elite League alive..... For nowJohn Cook isn't the only one who's deluded. There are one or two of these "fast trackers" who are starting to believe they're better than they actually are.
  17. Same three blokes I saw in a Bunyan van at Leicester Services last week. I think he has business interests outside speedway. They could've been employees.
  18. One thing you can't blame Silver for is the shocking attitude of Jason Garrity. Since he's been whopping NL ass in the "Elite" League he's become Billy big bollo*ks. The writing was on the wall when he decided he didn't want to attend Rye House press & practice on the Friday lunchtime, because Coventry had theirs in the evening. He only turned up because he was told if he didn't he'd not be riding for anyone because he's a Rye House asset. He then turned up, changed into his kevlars for photos, then sodded off back to the Midlands. The Sky Sports Garrity love in at the British Final would've inflated his ego to such an extent I'm surprised he can find a helmet to fit.
  19. Thankfully we waited in the car park until I saw people leaving. Unfortunately the £1 car park charge is non refundable. Long way to come for a Harvester Sat in the car park since about 6.45 and there was no way this was going ahead. The rain wasn't heavy, but it was steady. Wasted petrol and car park charge, but managed to place some bets on the way up which more than paid for tonight's fuel and the weekend jaunt to Cardiff too!!And to think we moan at Silver for calling meetings off too early!!
  20. In the car park where it's raining steadily. Can't see this meeting going the full 15 Lots of cars leaving. Is it off?
  21. Must be very localised, cos we're in the Harvester next to the EOES where there's no rain at all (yet!!)
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