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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. At least you know your line up. I've no idea who's replacing Bowen & Bunyan. Nothing on the website or Twitter
  2. K has lost 0.72 off his starting average. M has lost 0.64 off his. K was at number one for the first couple of months too. Even he will admit he's no longer a PL number one, so I reckon you're being harsh on K
  3. I've seen us beaten to a pulp 3 times there this year, you've been to two of those, so you know what to expect.
  4. Lewis Blackbird is a big miss for you. Can't predict the outcome until I know who we have at 2 & 7
  5. Make sure you don't leave it too late. Usually only sausages and chips left by start time. Curry sauce is very good. Chinese style, quite thick
  6. Pukka pie & chips from the fish bar, or bacon or sausage baguette from the stall below refs box
  7. Evening meetings at Rye are generally better than afternoon meets. Hoping for a decent nights entertainment.
  8. Chance for the few Rockets fans that turn up to see how next Saturdays guest Nicki Barrett does around Rye.
  9. Without accurate figures it's impossible to say
  10. Start with the league and have the league cup at the end of the season AFTER the play offs.
  11. One single raceday is a non starter for all the reasons mentioned in the above post
  12. I've been moaning about my team almost non stop this year. Apart from a handful of good days it's been mostly terrible. Last weeks home win against the Bandits was probably the highlight, bragging rights secured in our house for a while. I'm lucky to live less than 5 minutes from the track, so I can make a last minute decision to go.
  13. It'd have to be something very important for me to miss a home meeting, no matter who's in the side. You don't know what you have until it's gone
  14. I get along with most Bandits fans, I think I've been adopted. Been on a couple of tours which are always memorable. Probably seen them away around 8 times this year, with another 3 to come, more than most. Of course I'm only there to accompany the missus you understand. The only downside is that I very rarely see a decent meeting at Shielfield. Maybe I've just been unlucky?
  15. Skirting over the point about being at number one for a season, which is the point in question. Some riders are suited to certain tracks. Even Andrew Silver scored a maximum at Rye in his early 40's. I take it you weren't at Rye last week, at least a dozen passes, not bad for concrete
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