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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. You don't have to be in the Premier League
  2. Perhaps of they cut the grass a little shorter we may see some passing
  3. Giving it another go on Saturday. It can't be any worse surely?
  4. A little off topic. I went to see Berwick Rangers last Saturday. Crowd looked up on speedway attendances and at £12, cheaper than speedway. There were a couple of trucks serving some very decent grub, a few notches up on the scran served up at the speedway (haggis & chips excellent) Saying that, it was probably the worst game of professional football that I've ever seen
  5. I've been up here so long I'm beginning to lose my accent
  6. The demands will be excessive when they know they can virtually hold promotions to ransom
  7. Still a few weeks of this crap before the serious stuff starts. So tedious
  8. One of them is back to Berwick this year.
  9. Do you ever stop being a dickhead?
  10. He doesn't know who the team is, trust me. Just being a pratt
  11. I don't blame ya. From almost going out of business to a very attractive looking line up in a few weeks.
  12. Someone's getting excited. I'll wait until every side have finalised their line ups thanks
  13. Baby Rocket Alexander, born 11th December. We'll see you soon
  14. You've gotta have balls of steel, or be off your rocker to ride the boards at the OTA.
  15. May be wrong (can't be arsed to check), but haven't his work circumstances changed?
  16. Silver Ski are the Rockets sponsors. Len Silver owns Silver Ski
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