Hmmmm, anyone surprised that there are possible team places available elsewhere and Garrity slaps in a transfer request?
Obviously been tapped up by another promotion.
The bigger surprise was that he was named in the Rockets side in the first place after last years nonsense.
Any Rye House regular could see he wasn't exactly busting a gut for most of last year, even taking into consideration he was returning from a broken leg.
Alarm bells were ringing before the 2014 season had even started when he phoned to say he wouldn't be showing up for press & practice. A swift warning from Silver that if he didn't show up he wouldn't be riding for anyone did the trick. Garrity briefly showed up for a few photos, then buggered off to Coventry.
He has undoubted talent, but not the attitude to match unfortunately.
Interesting to see where he'll end up.
Happy to see Anders returning. A really nice approachable guy with no ego