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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Can’t imagine the rest of the side would be happy with a new signing coming in on better terms than they’re on. Pure speculation, no basis in facts. Move on....
  2. Five? Brum away, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Glasgow home and? Unless he’s eligible for the CLRC?
  3. With Glasgow’s league position I should think their fans will be flocking down, especially with a chance of seeing their local rivals beaten.
  4. Rye House had a system in place for double headers. Anyone wanting to watch the second half were able to enter the stadium at the single meeting admission price just before the end of the first half. Anyone entering before the first meeting paid the double header price. Bit hard on the fans of the team racing first, but I can’t see any other way of doing it apart from clearing the stadium after the first half, which would be a logistical nightmare. I can’t see how they’ll get 30 heats in before the 9.30pm curfew anyway.
  5. Third bend behind the nation flags is where you’ll find the committee.
  6. He insists he’ll be a long way away from the draw
  7. Strange old meeting in front of a sparse crowd on a windy night. If Scunthorpe started as they finished they’d be going home with three points. Only 4 points from NBJ’s replacement rides was a poor return. Announced that 65 of the 120 “5-1” draw numbers have already been taken up after just a few days.
  8. Met office is a little more favourable. No rain until around 10pm https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/forecast/gcyt62suu#?nearestTo=Tweedmouth&date=2019-08-21
  9. Bright and sunny here at the moment. Met Office say sunny intervals for the rest of the day with a 5-10% chance of showers and 18c, falling to about 15c by tapes up. 60% chance of rain from 9pm, so the meeting should hopefully be moved along at a good pace.
  10. Why did you have to bother with that reply? Make you feel big? Troll... blocked
  11. The worst part was battling the M25/M4/M5 on a friday afternoon
  12. I had many years following the Rockets, watching them getting hammered, especially at Berwick. Three trips to Somerset in 2014 62-28 66-26 72-20
  13. I agree. It was a little underwhelming. Got a bit interesting towards the end, but Eastbourne were such poor opposition it was always going to be one of those meetings. I was generally typing the results half way through the races. Hopefully Scunthorpe provide stiffer opposition on Wednesday. Thinking it’ll be RR for Nikolaj
  14. Was wondering why the post match parade truck stopped halfway down the back straight. Announced as run out of diesel
  15. Didn’t he do the same when Berwick were at Newcastle?
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