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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Robert Lambert was nursing a sore shoulder after the meeting at Rye. Could've been from people patting him on the back congratulating him on his track record and 15 point maximum. Oh, and this Rye fan can confirm we have zero chance in the 4's. Below par Anders Mellgren and Kasper Lykke still slowly getting back from injury
  2. That's nothing. Back into bed at 2.30am on Friday morning after Sheffield, up at 5.15am for a 12 hour shift at work
  3. I ain't gonna sugar coat it mate, Lindgren & Kerr apart you were poor.
  4. A better team would've beaten us tonight. Not quite on it. Lambert was superb. What a talent. Better than Tai at the same stage.
  5. Gotta work within your budget to survive. Newport "bought" the KOC a while back and closed soon after.
  6. Sour grapes? We had a rider who didn't want to be there and caused all sorts of trouble last year. Did you see any of his "performances" for us last season? As for Bates, I'll judge him by his scores against the top teams and away from a throttle jockey track.
  7. Same Bates that was beaten twice by Kyle Hughes at Rye House last Saturday? It doesn't take a lot of skill to race the Sheffield track, just the right engine and set up. Didn't have a lot of choice in that. He didn't want to be there last year, that was pretty clear to see with his half hearted performances.
  8. Nikolaj seemed pretty chilled about it an hour or so later. I think he knew what to expect from that hot head. I know which one I'd rather have in my side
  9. Wouldve loved to see that. Shame it wasn't on Sky
  10. Wasn't anyone I was with. Not many Rye fans there, certainly didn't see any with kids.
  11. I had a very good view of it standing by the pits. Garrity had a few words with Jakobsen after they got off their bikes after the race, then Garrity pushed the Dane, but Nikolaj just walked away. Josh Bates decided to shove him too, then retreated back to the pits before JG was pulled away. It continued in the pits when Garrity completely lost it with someone in the crowd, even his family joined in. We met Nikolaj at the M1 services when he told us Garrity continued the argument in the changing rooms, offering to take him outside for a fight. He even argued with Len Silver after the meeting. I asked Nikolaj what prompted the meltdown. Apparently he accused him of turning right as they were going into the first bend in heat 13. No mention of the reckless dive inside on the 3rd bend in heat 4 which led to Jackobsen hitting the deck.
  12. Plus another couple of hundred through the gate every week Wouldn't be at all surprised. Normal service will be resumed
  13. Spent some time in his company, always enjoyable. When he's on the mic however, he winds me up terribly. All in good faith though. Shame he wasn't there last Saturday. My one chance for revenge!!
  14. Was rumoured to be on the Rockets shopping list in the winter, but priced himself put of the market. He's either lowered his wage demands, or Sheffield have deeper pockets. Good when he gates, pants when he doesn't.
  15. Rockets have Robert Lambert as guest in place of Edward Kennett who races for Lakeside AWAY at Leicester. I was under the assumption that he'd only miss away meeting when Lakeside were at home. I don't think this is a rearranged fixture, so the question is... why?
  16. Was a brilliant week. The slaughter of Newport on Sunday, Exeter on the Monday and watching Berwick lose at Sheffield on Speedway Updates on the Thursday, then clinching the league title at Rye against Somerset on the Saturday. Happy days
  17. A league point would be a fantastic achievement for the Rockets
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