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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Wrong thread. This is the one for last nights. You've mugged yourself right off there
  2. Grow up son. Look at the updates and count em, after you've finished your homework
  3. I hear Martin Dugard and the Eastbourne mob were whining and moarning throughout the meeting about something or other. They are fast becoming the Chelsea of NL speedway
  4. Excellent award winning pie n peas. Get stuck in people
  5. He's lucky to get away with only broken fingers. Looked horrific
  6. He's nowhere near ready for the Premier League. Nowhere near
  7. I'm not even gonna attempt to guess the Rockets line up for next year. Depends who's putting it together. If it's John Sampford we could be ok. If it's Len Silver expect more of the same
  8. The real success stories are clubs like Buxton & Mildenhall, that despite being out in the middle of nowhere and surviving on a shoestring budget, are still going.
  9. I take exception to the thread title. Anyone who still has a team to watch is a winner. The losers are supporters of Newport, Hull, Oxford, Reading, Exeter etc...
  10. Couldn't give a stuff. Winner should be team that finished top of the league.
  11. I prefer the 20 heat format, winner takes all, rather than the semi & final which can sometimes be unfair. Danny Halsey was a surprise winner for me in 2014, but I can't see him making the podium this time. Engine failures & exclusions can play a part, but I can't see past Morley, Wilson-Dean, Branford, Ellis & Clegg, with Hughes an outside chance. My prediction: 1st-Ellis; 2nd-Branford; 3rd-Morley
  12. You could probably say that for a few riders in every side
  13. Cutting it very fine. Any significant rain and their in trouble. Season should start earlier. Final should be early October
  14. That's what we were led to believe when Warren Scott bought into the club. Len Silver was to run the speedway, Warren Scott the stadium. A few weeks ago, the two Swedes were released to sign Robert Lambert. That was not Len Silvers decision
  15. Now the temperature has cooled it should be ok. We had a double header on Saturday with very little dust.
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