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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Oh blimey, Neathy, of course. Shame that he wasn't appreciated until after he'd gone.
  2. Not often I see eye to eye with rmc, but I have to agree, £18 was way too much. Doesn't help that it was probably the least entertaining meeting at Hoddesdon this year. There was a very good turn out. I saw loads of new faces. Highlight of the evening was Webbys suit in the bar after the meeting
  3. Anyone who buys into a speedway team expecting to make money is gonna get their fingers burnt. I'm sure Warren Scott knew the size of the task he was taking on before he signed the paperwork.
  4. Pairings confirmed: Harris/Hunter King/Priest Kennett/Bowtell Masters/Branford Watt/Hume Bowen/Hughes
  5. This has been bugbear of mine for years. Very few tracks I've visited offer this. Newport did for sure.
  6. While the rest of the NL sides are on a shoestring budget, Eastbourne are flying in a rider from overseas.
  7. It's been a steep learning curve for the new promoters. Lessons surely have been learned re team building. Maybe someone else will be brought in as team manager should John Sampford not be retained
  8. I've a suspicion that Len Silver will concentrate 100% on Kent next year
  9. It'll follow the usual pattern. Close and competitive at Rye, one sided at Eastbourne. Ben Morley is more reliable than Rob Branford who does tend to be a bit hot headed at times.
  10. Eastbourne would've stuffed Coventry home and away, so we've done you a favour
  11. Decent looking line up considering what we've had in previous years. The disco in the bar is also a good idea. Well done Warren and his team
  12. Rangers averaged under 500 people through the gate in 2014/15. Bandits don't publish attendance figures
  13. Again, you're making comments without actually seeing the meeting. Morley was racing on the outside line, taking the line Ellis had been riding all meeting. Ben then switched inside on the last bend to block Ellis's run. Perfectly legal move and shows a good speedway brain. I've always thought of Ben as a bit of a white liner, but he's come on leaps and bounds on yesterday's showing. His bike looked pretty quick which always helps. Deserving winner, no doubt
  14. Just a rumour flying around down here for a few weeks. I think everyone's waiting to see what changes (if any) are made to the leagues structure before commiting to anything
  15. Again, you weren't there. Where did you get this information? Another example of why the 20 heat formula works so well. He could've easily been outgated or suffered bike problems had there been semis and a final. The best rider over 20 heats wins the trophy
  16. Another know all making comments when they went actually there. If it's all about speed they'd race in a straight line without any bends. That's drag racing, totally different sport
  17. Well done Ben Morley. Totally deserved
  18. You have your finger in too many pies
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