No, everyone is certainly not in the same boat. Glasgow can offer a package above any other team in the league. I'm not complaining, good luck to ya, but don't be coming on here implying it's a level playing field.
I was at Workington that day and can confirm this. If you think that's an isolated incident you're way off the mark. I've heard it at many places, almost come to blows a few times
This is my take on it (just a theory):
The promotion signed up Lambert at the tail end of last season with a view to 2016. Terms were probably discussed between the two parties.
Then, either Lambert upped his pay demands, or the promoters got cold feet when they worked out their finances (possibly both).
I can't believe they let NBJ go to Peterborough on a ridiculously low average without a very good replacement.
I think Warren Scott wildly underestimated the costs involved in running a speedway side. Surely he had some idea of the income/outgoings and didn't just take Len Silvers word for it?
I reckon the old boy couldn't believe his luck and is having a right good laugh now.
Unless it's changed in the 3 or 4 years since I've been up there, the marvellous curry sauce from the chippy opposite the stadium is a must post meeting.
Oh come on! It's a running joke how James Sarjeant jumps the start, more than any rider I've seen in the 30 years I've been watching speedway. It's not cheating, just a bad habit.