A moan (for a change). What a GP. Would have loved to have ben there. Oh thats right should have been there. Thanks RyanAir. Was due to be on the !!.45 flight from Stansted that didnt leave until 16.25. Wouldnt have landed until 19.30. So didnt bother. Nightmare. Did anyone else befall the same fate or am I the only idiot who didnt travel the day before
I have e-mailed and reserved tickets. I recieved a confirmation e-mail but unfortunately the details were contained within an attchment that I couldnt open.
Does anyone know what this was likely to have said, and is it obvious at the track as to where to collect tickets from
Cheers Henry. Am leaning towards the seated area at moment. Primarily as I am going with my dad and dont want to gove hom too much to moan about! Someone change my mind though......
Seeking advice from all you kind folk who have travelled to Bydgoszcz before.
My trip is all booked with the exception of the tickets. Matey boy at the poland ticket office said I had to send him my details and pay for the tickets in cash on arrival. Is this the only way to get tickets as I would prefer them in my hand in advance.
The other point is that I have been told to avoid standing at 'all costs' by the Travel Plus tours people in Ipswich. Their exact words were 'they would have nothing to do with standing tickets as they considered them lethal'. Needless to say this concerns me a tad.
Helpful advice please.