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Everything posted by marko

  1. No poxy Millard tonight, thank christ for that
  2. This meeting definately needs to be moved to another venue, Lakeside have had it for two years now and both times its dragged on and on, our standard league meetings are no better in that respect, there is never any urgency about this place even when the weather is closing in, only wish i could have that much of a laid back attitude to life. Unacceptable to make people stand in the cold for over 3 hours in this day and age and with nothing going on much of the time, at least if it was held at Peterborough,Poole or Coventry the fans could sit down. I was fround upon when i came out and said i thought our stadium was a dump on the Arena forum, but it is what is is and you have to take it or leave it, either way its not fit for the purpose of staging marathons such as this.
  3. As a Hammers fan i will always try and naturally defend our track but tonight i will do no such thing.......why? Because i cant! IT WAS AWFUL! Bald as the M25 and why the tractor kept on grading bare concrete i have no idea. I thought after last seasons farcical ending (vs Swindon & Poole) i had seen the last of meetings like this at Lakeside but apparently not! I am very angry because certain people at our club voice their opinions about how other people prepare their own tracks when maybe they should be taking a look at what they do themselves, thats all i have to say on this matter.
  4. "real disappointment" how many times has that been said tonight, around 30 so far i reckon and we are only upto heat 11.
  5. What Hans was getting at by quoting "this isnt conference league" is that riders at this level shouldnt be craping themselves everytime someone goes near them. You should be able to race and race hard without the others riders taking a dive in the hope of getting someone excluded, i like both Hans and Bomber but Chris in my humble opinion made a bit of a fool of himself when he said he had his leg taken away when he clearly hadnt, what would he have said of they had shown him the replay at that point? End of the day it was harsh to exclude either rider as it was almost six of one half dozen of the other but i guess the ref viewed it as Chris left the door open, Hans took the gap and Chris then having realised his mistake tried to get accross knowing Hans momemtum would take him into him.
  6. Drinking alcohol is a privilidge that sports like speedway and cricket enjoy because everyone generally behaves themselves but that could easily be taken away. It wont be a full proof answer (no pun intended) so there should also be notices saying that bad langauge or anti social behavoir wont be tolerated, of course there would need to be stewards clearly marked at the tracks to aid this. It has to be nipped in the bud before speedway becomes like football where you have whole familiys (not just adults) shouting and gesticulating at the oposition players simply because they are the other team.
  7. Pretty much the same thing happend at Arena at start of season when Hans passed Leigh Lanham on the inside and Leigh dropped it, there was possibly a little minor contact as per last night but some riders find it all to easy to just take a dive than stay on knowing they will lose a race position. Hans understandibly a very frustrated rider because every time he gets near another rider of lesser ability they expect the worse and are almost waiting for that chance, its almost as bad as diving in football, soon riders will be too afraid to try and pass for fear the other will simply take a fall.
  8. Would like to ask how many fans travelled to Swindon unaware that one or two of their riders would not be taking part. There was no mention from Arena that Max wouldnt be riding for us and in fact Johnno has a higher average than Leigh so we had to use our 2nd and 4th best. Ipswich looked in just as bad a situation (no Loram or Louis) as did Wolves with no Karlsson or Hamill.
  9. Swindon are not getting enough home advantage so they are watering the track just before their races.
  10. yes i used to listen to that wrestling show with Tommy Boyd but it was taken off air with no explanation why, they do have a tendancy to do that on that station. They axe and hire presenters without so much a bye or leave.
  11. Always happy to do that Vince but my luck is about 50/50 right now. Anyway, skybet have Trick at 9/4 and Nicki 3/1 Another good possible outside wager could be Andreas Jonsson at 50/1 ?
  12. I have hated this rule right from the start and unfortunately i have followed a team that nine times out of ten will gift wrap the oposition an 8-1 as soon as its used whether the promoters will see sense is another thing but if they are not going to go back to the old tac subs then the threshold for using the tactical should be at least ten points down instead of eight or keep it at eight but each tactical must be on a handicap of 15m back. Promoters-we didnt want it, we dont like it, get rid of it!
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