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Everything posted by marko

  1. We have a lot of well meaning hardcore fans on here but unfortunately and this is not going to be a popular comment but thanks to a lack of order and moderation by those that run the site it has fallen to a level where arguments and abuse are the things which people outside the BSF associate it with, multiple aliases etc etc its no wonder that the BSF has become a dirty word especially to those who run the sport. There is so much wrong with British Speedway but the trouble is because the BSF is associated with a negative slant, promoters assume that any negative comment made on here is being made for the sake of continuing that negativity, i am sure most if not all people involved in running the sport don't read it anyway. The BSF is really the daily sport equivalent of a news paper stand and it might be too far gone for it to be turned around into a creditable voice of the people.
  2. The Elite league is full of guests and rider replacement this season and they should have seen it coming with all the double uppers and fast track riders etc. It ends up being one select team vs another select team, did not watch the action tonight so no idea on the crowd but never good for anyone's business when the away team is so poor on paper.
  3. I hope Birmingham sort out the problems because i have enjoyed just about every meeting i have seen via bet365 from their. On another point though i can only agree with the issues of time scales, it often takes an age to run meetings, not many people actually complain about it but you only need to witness the mad scramble to get out the car park at Lakeside on a Friday night to see how many are so keen to get away, not uncommon to see people run as soon as the riders have crossed the line for heat 15, if speedway had a second half it would also help stagger the flow of people exiting stadiums as some would want to stay and watch whilst others who maybe have children would want to get away.
  4. Have a look at Martin's position exiting bend two and then where he is entering bend three, he is on the other side of the track but has got there over the length of the straight as opposed to a sudden vicious movement to the right, as the rider in the lead he is entitled to pick the line he wants, Davey just got unlucky because he gambled that Martin would not move out as far as he did.
  5. Have watched that several times and my opinion is that Smolinski came off bend two and moved out along the back straight towards the outer part of the track, Davey appeared to gain a lot of speed from behind was preparing to mount a challenge around the outside but the gap was closing all the time and rather than shut off he went in committed then had to bail out, brave move granted but it was his own fault for taking such a risk imo. sorry but i cant see anything naughty there.
  6. This is getting stupid, does Monmore Green have a curfew cutoff point?
  7. Harris leaning on Scott knowing he will touch him and bails off, Cheat! Hope he comes 3rd
  8. What is Kelvin on about? Lanham rides into Nicholls who locked up and its Leigh's fault but Boxall does same thing with Wright and its Wrights fault, they are talking such utter rubbish tonight.
  9. Yes there is certainly a potential issue when one reserve gets injured under this system because in the past they have been able to cover each others subsequent rides as they only raced together once in heat two, that said i do like them racing twice reserves vs reserves because its part of the appeal to getting them to agree to ride at this level in the first place and also it makes having good reserves just that little bit more important. I firmly believe next season clubs will look at these positions with even more scrutiny than maybe they did this season such is the vital part they play in the team. Would not help every match but i think when a team is using rider replacement, the named number eight should also be allowed to replace a reserve should one or both get injured during the meeting.
  10. Really pleased for PK as we need one rider at least who can mix it in heats 13 and 15, they have been going well as a team and whilst I'm still not convinced they will be good enough to challenge the like of Lynn they are showing signs they are possibly not far away.
  11. Gater1 mentioned about £17 being too much to see a team lose, well it's too much to see your team win as well because people go to speedway hoping more than expecting a win, they do expect and have the right to expect to see some entertaining action though and that was not provided last night and all too often it's the case at other tracks.
  12. people can mock the World Cup but I would rather watch Spain vs Holland than the guest ridden elite league.
  13. Watching via bet 365 gives a good chance to see action from other tracks over a period of time, meets from Perry Bar I have personally found to be as entertaining as any.
  14. Lakeside are a strength in depth team as an end result, it was not planned out to be like that, PK and Davey were signed to lead the team from the front, not reduce themselves to being average seven point riders that take points off third heat leaders and second strings whilst constantly being out done by other teams top riders in the key final few heats, its only the form of Richard Lawson, Mikkel Bech and to an extent Lewis Bridger that is keeping this team up the higher end of the table. Like Falcon Hammer said this team will not win anything because they are not capable of finishing the job off against teams who choose to go down the top heavy route. (its why Cookie dislikes the tactical ride, teams like Lakeside are so vulnerable to it) A top heavy side will beat one of strength in depth any day of the week, that's been the case for many a year. Also whilst i like the new format in general unlike previous seasons when a strength in depth will have reserves and second strings swapping places and heat leaders and second strings swapping places, this one is so tied down, the reserves stay at reserve and because of the rolling averages a lesser performing heat leader does not get a chance to ride some so called easier races nor does a on form second string get to test himself against consistently better riders, Richard Lawson should be riding at a heat leader not a second string and likewise PK who is our 5th averaged rider should not be riding in a heat leader position. Do i think Richard Lawson could do the job of a heat leader in the Elite? not sure at all but he proved with his heat 15 at Poole there is more to come from him and he does not fear any opponent.
  15. When the Supernation Marathon was staged at Arena Essex all those years ago the start Marshall would often run off the track in the eight man final, those eight man races over what was 12 laps were really something unique.
  16. Sky seemed to be anti Hammers tonight for some reason or maybe i am just being paranoid? anyway typical show from them, always going on about the weather then making no effort to get the meeting through with heat 15 being completed right on the two hour mark, clearly have not learnt a thing from the recent rain affected meetings.
  17. Was not classic agent Watt stuff tonight though, at least he did try but the lines were not there, that said when the Poole meeting was rained off two weeks ago and they switched it to the end of the season when the picture will be clearer then you can expect some shenanigans if Poole need points to make the top four, that is the only reason i don't want him in the side. Maybe the agent Watt thing is a bit old hat but there are certainly times where the old boys head just isnt in it.
  18. Feel sorry for non Hammers fans losing money tonight, at least i can get it back by not going on Friday if i so choose thus saving a score and getting half my money back, well lets face it, they only have themselves to blame for not getting the job done.
  19. yep lost a tenner but thats my fault for putting the bet on, a handicap win would have worked however this was a great chance for Lakeside and they pretty much blew it bit like last season when they went to Eastbourne when they were seriously weakened with missing riders and you cant even say Hammers would have done better with Lawson and Bridger because Robbo and Schlein were excellent really tonight.
  20. I have to admit Hammers have worked the guest system to its max here, pound for pound we are definately stronger I feel whilst Vue will be weaker, all the pressure then on Lakeside however nothing is certain the way both Pk and Davey have been performing at times. Just hope if the meeting starts it runs its course, I'm well cheesed off with all the manipulation from team managers when rain is around, awarding results after ten heats was always asking for trouble.
  21. Only way to make a point is to boycott but not a few here and there but get together and pick one match, maybe arrange to go there but just sit in car park as a protest, hitting DH in the pocket is the only way, promoters in General would run the sport without us if they could but can't afford to, like it or not they need fans or there play thing becomes an expensive toy they can't keep. In meantime why not sign Daniel Davidsson if he still riding, when he rode for lakeside his gating was immense and would be a ten point rider around that track, probably only three everywhere else though.
  22. Kelvin said he has a look a track, hmmm sounds like they are in a studio though and probably not even in that country.
  23. Amazing isnt it, Cookie protests that the tactical ride is unfair but has no problem with a team winning the league possibly finishing the regular season as low as 4th and maybe up to 10-15 points off what the team who came top did, how can one be unfair and the other not?
  24. Absolutely right, loses at home will not go down well at any track but especially Poole, you can bet their unofficial spokesman will be on the phone to Matt Ford in the morning begging him to make changes as he cant show his face on here for fear of embarrassment right now, shame one man has to give the club such a poor image as the rest don't deserve the stick which is often thrown at them because of the actions of a minority.
  25. Not surprised, this rain off was on the cards right from the word go this morning.
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