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Everything posted by marko

  1. I noticed at Lakeside last night notices at the pay booths about live streaming is not allowed, my take on it is that I think there could be a place for such a service but only if it can be charged for and clubs recieve some recompence for it, if crowds drop because people want to stay at home rather than attend it will force tracks to close which will only hurt those who do make the effort to attend.
  2. Pretend I've been living on the moon, when was the 8 day rule for guest riders abolished?
  3. Can't understand why Adam would take a guest booking at a track he was so desperate to get away from, after all it was not the club he had an issue with just the track itself, so we are told. I agree with Liam, I think we will be pushing the sixty point mark, just hope the crowd does not suffer too much as its not an attractive fixture with the team Leicester has, but to be fair, home fans probably same the same when Lakeside travel away.
  4. After yesterday's rain waking up to see the sun positively beaming is a joy to behold.
  5. Giving up whilst last is not something confined to Lewis although he has been guilty of that, there seems to be a growing trend both in league and individual speedway where riders will pull onto the center green then ride under power back to the pits once the race is over or simply coast around until they are sure a gift point is not up for grabs then pull off the track at the end without passing the flag, whether the ref marks them as Retired from race or 0 I have no idea, I always mark them as having finished the race so when you look back at a program and see R R R you know the guy had an unlucky night and not just gave up three races on the trot like KK in the grand prixs.
  6. I too have heard or read tales that sawdust does not do a track much good in the long term, maybe it's a good soaker upper but then reverts to a lump of wet mess which is tricky to work back out of the track? Trouble is though when a track gets so bad that you need that stuff your probably at best going to make the track rideable rather than race able so then it becomes a question of is it really worth it? It's akin to having a wet football pitch and deciding rather than play 90 mins on it to just have a penalty shoot out and decide the winner that way, it's a lottery.
  7. Every British speedway fan should be glad Lewis is back because it's one more half decent Britsh .rider who could turn into something more substantial later on for Team GB. And also Lewis will encourage a younger element of support to come to Lakeside because he is a showman and younger people want to see characters as indeed do a few of us oldies.
  8. In all the years I have followed the sport I have seen changes to my own club so I understand the mood of the Rye fans, in 1991 Arena Essex suddenly had an air fence and new shaped track, completely new management (the first of many) also almost a new team, over a decade later we had a name change to Lakeside and our colours changed also but it's still the Hammers. Hopefully Rye House will keep their name and it won't be called Lea Valley something, not that there is anything wrong with the Lea Valley, it's just not associated with Motorsport.
  9. Really surprised more supporters have not come forward with someone similar story's of disappointment, if you consider all those that got there before me would have stayed at least a couple of hours it would mean unless you got there well into the afternoon you would have have got in the place. As per my first post, it's a great venue but seriously lacks parking for such a popular attraction.
  10. I expected Lewis to break up into the team at some point but not from the word go, mixed feelings about it although from an entertainment point of view Bridger wins.
  11. Whilst the designated number 8 can cover riders 2-5 I think it was aimed more at riders 4-5 by average, even then in most cases it will be a weaker replacement but a more presentable one to the public.
  12. Unfortunately Lisa no, this thing with Poland has only just come into effect, there was a meeting of promoters last week where this was discussed. It's thrown a spanner in the works not just for Lakeside but potentially every Elite League club.
  13. Would be surprised if it was only three clashes, the feel I got at last weeks fans forum that a change was on the cards and Bjarne was the man least spoken about, in fact the only reference to him was by a fan who asked why did we sign a rider of his age who is seemingly on the way down. This thing with Poland getting a TV deal that will see them race on just about any day of the week is going to make life very hard for the Elite League and even Swedes and Danes will be under immense pressure to ride for their Polish club over a British one, that is the nexus of the problem. I would not assume the final place will be Bridger, that is a potential rider change down the road if Lewis decides he wants to return to full time racing and is totally committed to it but as it stands there is water to be tread.
  14. Got there just after 11am this morning, car park already full and they were telling people to drive to Broxbourne station and staff cars will ferry back and forwards, didn't take long for me to realise that logistically was not going to work and drove all the way back home (Chelmsford) frustrated. The place needs more parking or a proper shuttle bus system, similar to the old venue in Epping, this event combined with popularity of the park itself seems to have become too big for its own good, maybe shut the wildlife park down on this day so it's for speedway patrons only, might help? Sorry for ranting but there will be a few dissapointed speedway fans around today I expect.
  15. Thing is Addio if the reserves are still protected it won't be hard for any half decent one to amass an artificial eight point average which would then push a rider in the main body of the team who is on an artificially low average down to reserve.
  16. I don't know if Ben Morley has been officially announced but Jon did say last night he is our designated backup tier 2 reserve who can cover either Lewis Kerr or Robert. As for Bridger, I don't think he will be in the side to start with, it's very much of softly softly see how it goes with him, I think he wants to ride a bike but league racing is a big commitment and it needs to be something he is 100 percent sure he wants to do. The signing of the number 8 Dennis Jonsson is an interesting concept, just how adequate these number 8s will be at replacing a ranked 2-5 rider we will have to wait and see but as Jon mentioned last night they will be used more often than not for an absent 4th or 5th ranked rider by average. Something which did not consider at the time but have subsequently thought of was, it was mentioned that Swidders with his low average could drop to reserve, im guessing that the protected reserves races have been withdrawn and that we are going back to the old heat 15 format otherwise you will end up with a lot starting second strings or maybe more likely heat leaders who have much harder races dropping to reserve after the first month.
  17. Really confused with all these different riders signing, looking forward to this all being cleared up tonight.
  18. Can't imagine this taking off unless a professional company was given the ok. Individual fans could stream but on the basis of how hard it can be sometimes to find texters for the updates site for even the most well attended clubs, I don't think so.
  19. I stopped using the Lakeside forum a couple of seasons ago, at that point it was just the same few contributing to it plus those that had a one sided view which was always negative and never pointed out any of the positive stuff, I don't mind people having a moan, you pays your money etc but I think some were very lapsed supporters and no longer went or were fans of other teams just trying to act as antagonists. Jon I don't think has ever been a fan of them because of this minority element, negativity breeds negativity, you only need to spend 5 minutes on here to see that.
  20. You hit the nail on the head, entertaining meetings and I think even if Rye are not the strongest of teams compared to others their home track advantage should see them ok most of the time, away from not so important, yes you want to do well in the league but how many fans travel to away meetings nowadays? Very few.
  21. As a neutral to Rye I would rather see a young gutsy rider than gate and go Klindt although I was thinking the latter might be able to do something for the Rockets but he clearly has an attitude problem that would have shown itself at some point during the season.
  22. Glad to see some sanity has been restored, fwiw from the moment I read the article even before it all kicked off on here I never read anything into it. Edited for poor grammar
  23. Is a bit confusing the whole draft thing but then so is the heat leader list and team building as a whole, long gone are the days where we as fans could speculate based on known averages, now we know pretty much nothing about what riders are available at what criteria and what average, I will just sit back and wait. Regarding a back up man for AJ though, I don't think we will end up with what many would call a genuine heat leader but not many teams will have that in 2016 anyway.
  24. Kerr would be a good reserve for us if Lewis Blackbird (nearly wrote Carl Blackbird, shows my age) actually does ride, quite what the chances of that are heaven knows but Jon must have had some dialogue with him before making his decision to name him. Whilst the averages of the reserves are now to be included in the teams total (should have applied from day one) there will still be an importance to them although not anywhere near as much as when all reserves were deemed to be the same value.
  25. Would I want the Bjarne of recent times who has struggled so badly he was not even as good as his alto ego Agent Pedersen? Hell no, would I want the Bjarne who back in the day was a thorn in our side most visits to Arena? Yes To be honest I get the feeling there is not a lot out there left so options are probably limited, it's looking like the weakest EL we have ever had but maybe that will produce more even teams, close contests and exciting matches?
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