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Everything posted by marko

  1. Wolves very unlucky not to have won by a whole lot more, hope Jacob isnt too badly hurt.
  2. Hans allowed to get away with another blatent roller, the officiating here is so poor.
  3. Have a word with the start marshal, he is supposed to make sure the riders are lined up as per the regulations but after that the buck stops with the ref.
  4. Starting officials fault, Hans clearly wasnt right up to the tapes, it was obvisous he was going to roll forward, he gave himself the room to do it. Liam Carr is shocking, riding the completely wrong line.
  5. You know the fact BT Sport are going to show the promotion/relegation play off makes me wonder if they are taking it that seriously then its not going to look good on them if next year they have to explain how other teams have leapfrogged there way into the top division without earning it. I want the Hammers racing at a higher level but it must not be at the expence of destroying the sports credability anymore than it already has. I would be happy with the second division and loose derbies with Ipswich and continue the progression of riders like Ben, Zach and Alfie.
  6. Agree with Waco.I think in the past its been run that teams in play offs can't use riders from fellow play off teams. Other contenders could be Max Clegg, Liam Carr or Tom Perry.
  7. Hence why BSPA now stands for British Speedway Pretty Abysmal
  8. You mean the few hundred left? they have to be more positive, they wouldn’t go otherwise. However most don’t comment on forums, they just vote with their feet.
  9. I don't support the Conservative party either but that does'nt mean i can't have an opinion on how they run the country And as for voice of reason, he used to work for the club so his opinion is just as valid as the next man, if not more so.
  10. That would be our idiot promoter who thinks if anyone doesn’t agree with what he thinks means they are either stupid, biased or both.
  11. Leicester won’t be relegated, all they need do is throw some toys out of the pram like Swindon did in 1991 and they will be allowed to stay.
  12. I meant that more from the new stadium point of view, if the club wants to race in the top flight I would be reasonably confident it will happen. But as I said with his track record of saying one thing and doing another there will be more than a few doubters. The happy clappy bridgade isn’t big enough to keep the sport going at this venue, they are the facts whether people like it or not. Swindon got relegated back in 1991, remember what happened then Grachan
  13. How about a little bit of arithmetic this Thursday? Jon Cook + Informormation = Lies How can anyone trust a thing this man says anymore?
  14. Hunter and Mason made way for Hurry and Locke/Spooner, would the former been any stronger or weaker? Imo it would be about the same except of course Hunter would have no chance of dropping to reserve. I was though in favour of the move so not going to say dropping Hunter was wrong, they simply had no other choice. Lakesides biggest mistake was sticking with three poor riders (one of which should stick to unpaid amateur racing) and not giving anyone else a chance
  15. Does not matter whether its sky or bt, they build the season all about this so called magical event called the play offs, only to then fail to show it if it should happen to rain, which in September/October is quite a possibility. As False Dawn rightly says, what happens if it rains next Monday? incidentally the long range forecast for the north is for more unsettled weather over this coming weekend and into next week.
  16. Everyone but Jon Cook also knew the NL would not work at Arena, some clearly did not want 3rd tier racing so went to Rye House or not at all and the ones that were open to it (probably from South of the Thames) were already taking in the NL at Kent so those fans just stuck with supporting the Kings instead of following two teams in the same division.
  17. In short, No, they want to concentrate on the play offs then focus on 2018 afterwards. Persoanlly I think it would be foolish for any promotion to commit to anything for 2018 at this stage without knowing what will happen.
  18. Don't think there is any news but imo the notion of someone coming in spending millions just for the land, Is not likely to build something that isn't going to generate a fairly reasonable return. I think we have what we have until the family who own the site decide to sell it, that might not be until after the Thames gateway project is finalised and then that will be that, good bye Arena Essex. The site is huge and potentially worth hundreds of millions to a big developer, Imagine how many houses or flats you could build on that land.
  19. Honesty and Lakeside Promotion never go in the same sentence, how long have we been saying this now?
  20. I could make the same analogy with Eastbourne, if they were closer to us, in other words genuine local rivals its the one club I would never be able to support in a million years because they are the arch enemy, always have been. It's one of the main reasons I have never liked Jon Cook being involved with our club, he's the enemy by association, I know that was a long time ago but I have a long memory. We had Dean Barker ride for us for a couple of seasons, not to mention Lewis Bridger more recently, I was never able to take to either because in my mind, they were Eagles first and foremost. And if you ever done word association with me and said Eastbourne Eagles, the answer would not be printable on these pages.
  21. Your assuming Loyalty is blind but it is not, if the experiance you are used to changes or no longer meets your requirements then its quite possible some will seek those experiances elsewhere but more often than not they will simply drift away and not go anywhere else. I have to quote your bit about Stuart Douglas and the place being lifted, that is totally correct and even when the road got a bit bumpy he would be able to address the fans and we knew, yes, this will be ok eventually, he was well respected and more importantly he was trusted with his words, he wasn't tainted like the old school speedway administrations. Unfortunately since the apparent departure of Mr Douglas, that's where things have taken a turn, few trusts Jon Cook, his words are meaningless, he shows little to no charisma, and he clearly does not want supporters to have a voice, its his way or the highway and that's that.
  22. Can anyone actually confirm 100% that Stuart Douglas still owns the franchise?
  23. If the band of rain maintains its current momentum and intensity i predict it will hit the area by 2:30 even if its just light rain to start with.
  24. Would expect Bowen and Morley to go through the card but there is a race on with the big weather system coming in from the West and from the radar its speed whilst slow will probably reach the area before 3pm, if the meeting starts they will really have to push it through to get a result.
  25. I see the Hammers have booked Luke Bowen for Zach and Mattie Bates for Alfie, is that allowed? I thought you could only have a guest for your number one unless two or more riders were injured in which case it would be a guest and R/R?
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