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Everything posted by marko

  1. If Brandon Estates are happy to sit on the land for years to come hoping that a change of mind might happen that that will be that. The council can’t make them sell the land, but whether legally possible, could they pass a motion that the land is to be retained for the exclusive use of sport for the next 10, 20, 30 years? Brandon estates might then sell the land if they know there is no realistic chance they will ever be able to do anything with it? It’s not like there is a lack of space to build elsewhere in the country, plenty of brown field sites are going that way.
  2. Of course you don’t cover a wet track, but it should have been covered at the earliest opportunity whilst it was still dry, even if that was four or five days advance if the forecast was that bad. it might not have worked but at least it’s trying something, speedway loses out so many times because people refuse to try. But of course the bottom line has to be we are in October, we should have had the titles sown up a good couple weeks ago, but again the sport has dragged it’s heals early on, and never learns from its mistakes in previous seasons, how on earth we managed to go from getting in 25 home meetings a season back in the 80s to where we are now is baffling. it wasn’t like the weather back then was all sunshine and lolly Pops.
  3. Track covers would have prevented that damage, Glasgow cannot control the weather but they do have to choice to try and mitigate against it.
  4. If you still have official meetings to stage at home, it shouldn’t matter whether you have the second leg at home or not, ideally everyone wants to win a trophy at home but 50% of the fans will always be disappointed, if you still have home matches outstanding at least you will get to parade the trophy in front of your core audience. If it’s the last action of the season and your the team who finished top, then I can fully understand you wanting to enforce the second leg at home to maximise the moment should you pull it off. Finishing top of the table whilst not meaning champions should carry some advantage or benefit, otherwise what’s the point of even trying.
  5. Not forgetting had the deadline not been extended this meeting would never have happened and it would be Oxford in the final, it’s right though that it should be sorted out on the track and not have a question mark about what if. Just hope that Glasgow can get their leg of the final on now, use track covers etc to help, we don’t want this going on and on again and three weeks time and running into November like last season.
  6. I am sure Poole will be hoping Oxford make it through, a lot easier to travel to Oxford to support the team than Glasgow and for sure Middlo won’t travel to Glasgow but he might fancy a trip to Oxford to savour what could be another title to the long list. I just hope for a clean meeting with both sides finishing the night with the same amount of riders as they started and no injuries spoiling the tie, especially from riders being brought down by those of the opposition.
  7. Yes I see now, I thought they had both but it was the koc finals they had the rights too. Still I think it’s a bit off that Prem and Champ level can race on the same night, I thought that was why fixed race nights were brought in. I don’t have Eurosport so it’s an easy choice for me, personally this meeting is the money shot anyway.
  8. How does this affect BSN? Weren’t they supposed to be showing the finals of both prem and championship?
  9. Two years ago I gave up cable tv/sky/Eurosport etc have never regretted it. BSN is all I need, I don’t care about the grand Prixs either, I have always been about team events.
  10. I like all the presenter/riders who work with BSN and I missed the pie man when he was away for sometime, Greg Blair is another standout for me who has taken to this work like a duck to water.
  11. Speedway needs more riders like Lee Complin though, ok he is carrying a bit of weight but that’s because he trained to be much bigger for weight lifting or was it body building? Either way you can’t just lose that. I guess you could say he over rides at times trying almost too hard but I would rather watch a rider like that than one who always settles for where they gate and constantly pulls up when last.
  12. Last season we saw both Plymouth and Glasgow to name two cause delays to the running the off the play off system, time to put the foot down and stick to the deadline and if clubs fail it then tough. Maybe if tough measures are taken it might just wake up some promoters to the concept of getting on with the season instead of toying around with meetings during the summer months and calling meetings off on a whim on the grounds that they have time.
  13. How many times has it been said though that throttle jockeys cannot ride the smaller tracks which require a bit more thought than simply holding the throttle wide open and hanging on?
  14. Well done Ipswich and well done to BSN for their continued great coverage.
  15. I don’t think that prior to this season I had even heard of Vadim Tarasenko but wow what a rider he is.
  16. Serves Dicko right for sacking riders off left right centre, maybe consider sacking yourself pal.
  17. On a warm day like this in East Anglia any little showers, and that’s all they really have been, should not come anywhere close to the amount of water that would normally be put on the track through the use of tractors. Probably needs a good shower to really get some moisture into the base.
  18. If that’s the best effort they can make no wonder they haven’t raced for two months. Once again they will be holding up the entire league because they have failed to get meetings on when maybe a little thought and effort could have saved them.
  19. Most tracks are so slick now that if it rains a lot you would have to wait hours for it to dry out a bit. If tracks actually had shale on them, they could soak up the rain and then you could scrape the excess shale off and put it back on the next day to dry out. Its what they always used to do, why has these old skills been lost and forgotten about?
  20. Brummies have signed Batchelor, good luck with that one.
  21. Nil point Nil money used to be a thing, not anymore, I think you will find most are on some sort of guarantee, especially the heat leaders, just a question of scale. The days of riders only getting paid fuel and start money if they score nothing are long gone.
  22. If they had been able to fit Alfie Bowtell back in the team at reserve 100% they would have been play off contenders.
  23. Next season I think we will see just two divisions, a “top” league and a “junior” level league and Plymouth will be in the latter, maybe just maybe that would allow them to hold Nora meetings too? That would probably be their ideal scenario. No pressure on having to be competitive with teams they can’t hold a candle too financially, just run the sport as a centre of development which is ideally what Iwade and Workington will be. South, South East and North West covered.
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