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Everything posted by mAAq

  1. check out this one guys http://britishspeedwaysliders.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=28 and let me know who is up. EDIT and here are good news http://britishspeedwaysliders.com/forum/vi...c.php?p=115#115
  2. Gaz you just did not have the Sheffield track, thats all.
  3. Guys, to participate in world of sts and to have some significant position in it, you have to quit playing your beloved british tracks and 1.0.1 E. There wont be any official leagues, tournaments and other events on the old versions. New british tracks for Brit league are in production only for v 2.0. Full version of sts 2 is going to be released on the begining of September so you still have some time to improve your skills playing the demo. Stop lagging behind, my friends. And I guess you should slowly move from this topic to the site and forum that spook has created, couse it's a huge mess here ;]. cheers!
  4. I'm gonna do some practicing on britishsts/monty if anyone wanna join me... well, join me :] v 2.0
  5. v 2.0 Sheffield on my ip in hamachi. [britishsts ; monty] Edit: Server is still up, I'm learnin my buddy how to drive :]
  6. Nevs the name of the network is britishsts and the password is monty my ip is it's on v 2.0 demo - so be sure you have that one
  7. Nevs just browse through my posts, and you will find the answer :] Welly it's the britishsts and pass:monty you will find my ip there
  8. Yeah I was just going to ask if anyone fancy a morning wood cup but only via hamachi bro. Server is up, but no need to hurry, I'm finishing my coffe ;]
  9. There are a big maintenance works right now, forum will be up on 14th of august. Login page that you are talkin about is for admins only. You can find shoutbox with ip's under this adress --> http://www.star.net.pl/~thelimp/test/index.php
  10. Richie, just use this link http://www.zprt.spaik.h4e.pl/index.php?fil...iption&dl_id=28 - click on the button on the bottom "sciagnij..." an wait few seconds.
  11. someone has to start a server, just chose one of you with good internet connection and play.
  12. Ok I think I have to clarify some things with Hamachi program - It doesnt give you the public ip! it just creates the virtual network with virtual ip, so if one is not in this network, there's no way he could connect to someone using vIP. So what you have to do: 1. Install the program 2. Create a network/room, you can call it britishsts or watever you want to, set up a password and when you are in the network: 3. Tell all your sts buddies what is the name and password so they will be able to join that room/network. 4. Chose a person which will set up a sts server, and then join to it's ip without quiting the hamachi. There it is :] hopefully it's clear enough now. To make it easier I have already created the room, so just turn on hamachi, clik on this triangle at the botom of hamachi's window and choose join to existing network Name of the network: britishsts password : monty online user has a blinking point near nickname and the offline user has a grey nickname w/o any blinking litghs points or any other revelations ;] I hope this post wont disapear in a rubbishload of other posts being written every minute in this topic. Cheers!
  13. http://rapidshare.de/files/28874883/Sheffield.rar.html here is the fourth one, Sheffield Copy files from "data" into data catalog in sts folder and tracks/sheffield into tracks directory in sts
  14. Howdy Ho Folks ;] While browsing through pages of this topic I have noticed that most of you have problems with setting up a server. Well my first guess is tha ya don't have public ip, luckily there is a hope and it's called hamachi, this soft creates a virtual network in internet, maximum number of users can not go over 16, but still this should be enough. just download this --> http://files.hamachi.cc/HamachiSetup- <--- installator will easily guide you trough all the steps, so you should set up your own network w/o any problems, afterwards everyone'll be able to start a server in sts or any other game. If you have any questions just mail me at maaq@o2.pl, maaqak@gmail.com or just ask here. Welly as far as I know there is no such thing as home track in official polish league, so you have to be good on every track. btw welcome to the Dangling Foreskins bro One more thing guys - quit playing 1.0.1 E version, couse league and all the events will be played on STS 2.0 ... http://www.zprt.spaik.h4e.pl/index.php?fil...iption&dl_id=28 It was said before, but I just wanted to remind you. See ya on track buddies! PS. This is standard excuse and I will use it - "sorry for any mistakes etc. blah blah but I'm from Poland and still working on the other languages" Edit: one more thing towards this link to 2.0, you have to clickon the button at the botom "Sciagnij ten plik" after this, some window will jump out, just wait few second and the download should begin.
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