Ok I think I have to clarify some things with Hamachi program - It doesnt give you the public ip! it just creates the virtual network with virtual ip, so if one is not in this network, there's no way he could connect to someone using vIP.
So what you have to do:
1. Install the program
2. Create a network/room, you can call it britishsts or watever you want to, set up a password and when you are in the network:
3. Tell all your sts buddies what is the name and password so they will be able to join that room/network.
4. Chose a person which will set up a sts server, and then join to it's ip without quiting the hamachi.
There it is :] hopefully it's clear enough now.
To make it easier I have already created the room, so just turn on hamachi, clik on this triangle at the botom of hamachi's window and choose join to existing network
Name of the network: britishsts
password : monty
online user has a blinking point near nickname and the offline user has a grey nickname w/o any blinking litghs points or any other revelations ;]
I hope this post wont disapear in a rubbishload of other posts being written every minute in this topic.