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Everything posted by Meric

  1. Join mine we are on hamachi my IP is just loading it up in a minute hopefully Edit:It's now up
  2. Join mine we are on hamachi my IP is just doing singles at the moment.
  3. Me niether so, With that Hamachi thing set up if your using that britishsts with password monty you should be able to get on this Not on the new demo
  4. RLDTIGER does that make me in a proper team as Welly was playing for poland apparantly and now he playes for Dangling Foreskins does that make me ina team?
  5. don't work welly why u wanna know? Ok richie im gunna change it to Server
  6. once u done that try getting on a server using
  7. If u wanna join my server http://files.hamachi.cc/HamachiSetup- go on there download ect. get it working and join network. Type Meric for Network name And password. I'm currently on 2.0 when people come ill switch if wanted
  8. feel free to try this though dunno if hes working it
  9. Spook are u gunna put ur server up has anyone got one up im soooo bored
  10. I'd already said yes though but now boney somehow has it
  11. Mate I think they got it boney took it so im not in either
  12. Has anyone got a server going or know of any going?
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