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Everything posted by flagrag

  1. The fans is the reason why they are trying to run this fixture as obviously it's a bit of a nothing fixture and riders have got to be paId with a likely low crowd. It is probably cheaper to run the meeting than refund season ticket holders and the outstanding admission tickets that have not been used.
  2. Shale Searcher I heard that Scunny was option two if they could not get it staged at the showground as they prefer the Peterborough option as they have a better home fan base and closer for both Leicester & Kings Lynnn fans so they are more likely to attend. The only advantage Scunny has is that Mr Godfrey is likely to charge the BSPA less to run the meeting than what the showground want in rent but common sense would say go to trick where more fans will come to watch it
  3. Morrissey Fan You have one of the teams correct in Kings Lynn but the home team will be a club who are errrm cough Unable to complete the fixture at their own track. If it goes ahead hopefully both teams fans and Peterborough fans will support it just depends on show ground availability and costs I just hope its not at option two Scunthorpe as can't see it being very well supported as too far for fans and not much home crowd
  4. Has any Peterborough fans heard anything about there being another fixture at the showground this year ? I have heard off a couple of people there may be another fixture involving teams both sides of the A47 from Peterborough and may yet be involving Mr Bjerre as a guest.
  5. I do agree that the NLRC pricing does seem a little high but that price is set by the BSPA as its a shared event and they are running it and are just hiring the Leicester track.
  6. Kye1- I am pretty sure the recent changes made at Leicester have been done to prevent the banks becoming owners of the stadium and that all the debts are Leicester Speesway Ltd of which now is Yulia Hemsley responsibility and by doing a bit of research it seems that Beaumont sports have been getting their regular payments for stadium rental all. I have heard these reports about an ex rider and his family taking it over but not sure what will come of it we shall have to see. Hopefully the BSPA will be sensible and help the new promotion and not hinder them but trying to make them responsible for the previous promoting company debts. I know when Colin Horton ran big debts up at Peterborough that Rick Frost brought the club but not the financial problems.
  7. Thanks Happy Hunter for confirming about the shares I presume that you are a share holder as you have this information to hand. I am rather surprised that Mr Hemsley only has the one share in Leicester Speedway yet the other shareholders have allowed him to run the business and possibly take it under during the last few months if I had purchased shares along with others I would have got him removed to protect the investment and future of the club. I do strongly believe that the recent changes at the club are to the prepare for next season and Leicester Speedway Ltd will fold shortly with Speedway debts settled by BSPA whom will take the promotion rights to be sold to new owner and Mr Hemsley will just be the stadium owner I jut hope that he is realistic with stadium rent so that it can change continue
  8. I am sure this is all tied up by lawyers as part of their proposed divorce settlement. Leicester Speedway actually own very little a couple of rider assets,fence,air fence and small amount of equipment. This of course could have recently been put up for sale and then purchased by Beaumont Sports whom are the lease holders for the stadium but not anything to do with Leicester Speedway they just used to share a director and shareholder. I have not seen him on here recently but Lionking is a shareholder among others at Leicester but am unsure if this was in Leicester Speedway or Beaumont sports
  9. Big Al- No Mr Darcy and Mr Machin are not responsible for the rider debts. It is what the BSPA bond is for why would they pay somebody else debts . The problems at Leicester is the reason that there has been only one Sky meeting as every Intention of there being two meetings at Beaumont Park but as the club are not getting any of the Sky payments or shared event pot why would they have Sky in the stadium running on an off night and lower crowd. It is the same with NLRC that's was due to be at Leicester in September the BSPA cannot really run a shared event at a non member track
  10. Big Al The debts to the bank would still show as live as like a mortgage for a house is taken over a fixed long term period I understand the club have been trying to pay it off early so that they could then ask for new finance to do stadium improvement. It is clear that David Hemsley is finished as a Speedway Promotor and agree some is of his own making but the BSPA are not helping the situation with the fines and as they say he is no longer a Promotor the club have not had their share of the shared events money from British final,Fours,pairs etc or the Sky payments that other clubs have had. The Leicester promotion made it clear to BSPA that they were not paying Points money as they are not promotors any more and gave them the option to remove the club from the league but the association decided to keep them in. I do believe that the BSPA will allow somebody else to take over the club and waive the fine as long as there is evidence that it is nothing to do with the current Hemsley promotion. The biggest hurdle will be agreeing a deal with David to rent the stadium although he has openly said he will not be stupid with rent charges as he still has to pay the bills and loans as well as wanting to go to watch racing himself.
  11. The viewpoint that David and Yulia Hemsley seem to be taking is that they have had their promotors license removed so are no longer responsible for the points money and that they are paying the riders travel expenses and VAT for the services they have provided. Although I have not seen the BSPA constitution and rules of membership it has been explained and seems that these rules state that clubs lodge their bond around 50 k at the start of the season to cover riders wages in event of clubs being unable to pay so there is a guarantee. Once a club is unable to pay them then the BSPA have to step in and is up to the riders to claim their points money at a set rate from the BSPA funds which comes out of the bond lodged. Leicester riders are not the only ones owed lots of money there is another track with a purpose built stadium that keeps fobbing the riders off with false promises of payment. The BSPA have the riders over a barrel though as they are owed this money and if they refuse to ride they then get banned with so many doubling up as well you lose all your incomeand they are then breaching the contract and riders know this so have to continue in hope they will get settled eventually at the set league rate which is obviously less than they agreed at the start of the season. Like most people I would like to know where the cash from Leicester is going as majority of the loans taken out for the stadium are well on track to be paid off and the riders and suppliers are not being paid so is obviously being put into some account. I suppose this is one way of David getting his bond back and one thing I am told he is not is stupid when it comes to business and has clearly been given some legal advice on the position to take.
  12. I understand it's got to the point now that Leicester Speedway are paying the riders small amounts of money to cover their travelling expenses and then Hemsley is telling them to claim their points money from BSPA as he is no longer a Promotor and they hold his security bond put down at the start of the season.
  13. It will be interesting to see what team changes Poole make for the play offs as i heard Hans Andersons hand looked a bit of a mess which could be a broken hand so his season could be over.
  14. Not live on tv but will be highlights during the Sky broadcast this evening
  15. I don't think that this is with regards to riders getting a competitive advantage from taking a substance. This is more related to what they do in their social life in their time off with friends. Speedway riders are an easy target for recreational drug use often as they are young men with disposable income that like to look flash to their friends away from Speedway. It's the same with gambling I have heard first hand of riders doing a guest booking getting paid cash and gambling & drinking all the earnings away in one night after the meeting.
  16. SCB I have a feeling I know which rider you are on about as I have heard that he went a funny colour when he overheard an unknown individual in the pits say I am here to do some tests. Fortunately for him it turned out to be some noise tests for the council.
  17. The thing is some of substances that the riders would have likely been taking actually stay in your system for 6-8 weeks so still time to get caught
  18. The revolving door at Peterborough will be opening again over the weekend as they make the final push for the league title. I understand they are just awaiting confirmation from his parent club that they have no plans to use him in their side in 2016 and that BSPA will approve the move.
  19. Could a former panthers target that has just been dropped by an EL team fit in at the show ground ?
  20. The revolving door at Peterborough will be opening again over the weekend as they make the final push for the league title. I understand they are just awaiting confirmation from his parent club that they have no plans to use him in their side in 2016 and that BSPA will approve the move.
  21. The dates Skidder1 has posted are the dates that I have.been given but are conditional on the weather being good to us during September. Logistically I would like it if Wolves and Belle Vue can stage the first legs on 21st but doubt it will be that easy
  22. I really cannot understand why Poole did not accept the revised date for this fixture. As when the televised football fixtures came out it was already known that Anderson had qualified for the SEC and that Aussies U21 were in the team final. It would have made sense for both clubs to have an alternative date
  23. Depending on what happens in Poland with Wroclaw and the play offs I expect Tai to be back at Wolves in the next two weeks.
  24. Paddy H has a Polish fixture by the looks of it not sure which fixture was confirmed first
  25. The individual line up seems more like who wants to do it and who was already staying over. I have a feeling the money on offer for this meeting may be something to do with it as well I am quite surprised at Fisher doing it as thought with the delays at Dover he may want to leave early for the World Cup meeting I know he said today he was staying down in Peterborough and leaving Sunday night.
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