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Everything posted by Backless

  1. I got that, thanks - mainly from "hopefully make people realise" part. So, non-enjoyable coverage is better than none? whatever it is that hacks off a (some say) sizable section of the speedway fan audience, it's not exactly a huge leap of faith to assume that it'll have the same effect on the general non-speedway fan audience too. It might be a bit rubbish (in some peoples' opinions), but it's better than nothing. Is that where we're at with your original comment? Because THAT is the attitutde that has pervades speedway and, probably more than anything else is responsible for it being in the state it's in and is where it deserves to be with that attitude.
  2. An original, unusual & dopey way to look at what is supposed to be a form of entertainment.
  3. Really? Unfair criticism of whom? What part of the UK Speedway Series concept was "flawed" other than the BSPA not allowing it to be run on their tracks (as that's what you've highlighted)? Still, whatever.... the problems, however you want to interpret them were pretty minor in comparison to the stupendous falling apart of this "concept". KA-BOOOOOM! Speedway made to look like something akin to the clowns' car at the circus with the doors falling off. Still, at least Sky weren't briefed about the Champions League - otherwise they would have mentioned plans to cover it. After all, what with the EL contract up for renewal, the SGPs already having (apparently) been dropped, the BSPA need to come accross as organised & working together with their foreign counterparts will be good. Uh-Oh.... Hang on..... KA-BOOOOOM! "Hey Coco! Your car bonnet just blew off too!"
  4. MCF and UK Speedway Series people take note: your attempt to get something up & running apparently failed due to lack of planning & agreement with the authorities. Pretty half hearted effort guys - THIS is how to TOTALLY screw things up - but this ability only comes with years of experience lol.
  5. He apparently couldn't speak a word of English when he was here last year & spending time in Berwick wouldn't have helped that situation, but if he needs to make any excuses I'd guess he'll have a better crack at it than that Still, don't let the rain spoil your parade, eh?
  6. Because not everything rotates around the midlands? Because the date and venue for the Ben Fund was announced in October? Because the EL is so kiss weak that "the star names" treat riding in Britain with disdain and barely turn up for EL matches? Because "the star names" have got their heads so far up their arses they don't care about contributing anything to British Speedway, unless there's a cheque in it for them and think its beneath them to help those who might need help (ironic with an ex world champ retiring through serious injury recently)? Or might it be all of the above?
  7. 15 so far, but 5 to come as they usually have a 20 man field with 4 rides each not 5. Irrespective of who is added to complete the field, it should be a good meeting and a big crowd.
  8. If that surprises you, then you'd need medication if you knew what GoSpped agree so that Sky will buy Fat Terry a new Roller.
  9. Well, it's just as well the BSPA saw off the MCF & their proposed series. That could have been a half arsed flop. Rest assured, the future of this once great sport is safely plummeting into the abyss in the hands of those who REALLY know how to crash & burn.
  10. Yes, because it's doing such a bang up job - carry on! 1. This could have been a flop. In which case, the BSPA would have a chuckle to itself 2. This could have been a success. In which case, the BSPA would have a few fresh ideas Thank God that's been averted.
  11. By which time they'll probably have been broadcast on another channel… excellent idea, well conceived plan.
  12. So, if it picks up the GPs, it already has the prime pick of the footie (what was it on Saturday? Fulham v Stoke on Sky LOL), & the cash to put a real fright up Sky, it'll be an rasy choice: two sports channels packed with entertainment, or 6 (including the F1 & Horsie racing channel) bloated out with days upon days of Australian & South African Fox / Sky Sports subsidies.
  13. Sky haven't issued a press release detailing ANY of the sports or events they're not covering. As far as their website is concerned, it also includes Olympics news - how much of that did they cover? Unless you turn up at a GP venue, you're not a customer of BSI. Presumably they're sorting out a deal elsewhere. Preferably a temporary solution for the early part of the season & then BT Sports.
  14. <p> <br /><br /> </p> It's not theirs to show. Do you think BSI is going to say "no, that's fine, drop us in the crap but feel free to show the (apparently) biggest GP of them all (apart from Terenzano, obviously).
  15. I'm sure everyone is still taking in the enormity of the announcement, exhileratied by the exciting prospects ahead & reflecting on all the great memories. It certainly puts the selection process for the new pope into perspective.
  16. Obviously, it was only a matter of time before someone expressed an ignorant, I'll-informed, biased & plainly stupid criticism of the location of the meeting. Rest assured, the king of such things could be relied upon to do so. The EL is justifiably mocked, not because of a handful of EL standard & GP "stars" or even the PL riders who make up the bulk of the teams. It's the ridiculous mid matching of these riders with third rate journeyman foreigners who roll through without any hope of achieving a ridiculously low 4 point average so that EL clubs can top load their teams within an artificially low points limit. Berwick - that'll be the place on the edge of what the Flat Earth Believers understood to be this planet. Not the town with three international airports within 90 minutes, an FIM approved track& a safety fence more advanced than all but one in the EL. But it's not ignorance, biase or stupidity behind the riders' attitude. It's greed - which is why testimonial meetings have started paying good money to get a field together.
  17. Coentry's top two, GP- experienced performers (ok, under performer in the case of Nicholls) are taking the cash on offer at Lindgren's bash. Co entry's website advises that the proposed bus to Berwick has been cancelled. Of course, they MIGHT be riding at Berwick. But I don't think so. I'd imagine there'll be a good few others go the same way. Good crowd? Probably. Full crowd? Probably not. But hey, as long as they get paid for practice AND get to claim when they're injured, everything's good.
  18. I wouldn't overly worry - it'll not be long before a line is being drawn to move on from the next episode.
  19. It's a heartfelt apology and a genuine pledge to move forward in a more mature, upstanding and even inspirational manner. I wonder if Ward has even read it. He'll be furious to know he's been fraped as it's on his Facebook page too.
  20. A field the likes of which hasn't been seen in the north before. One that can be used to publicise the cause (&, on the back of it, the sport) to people outside the probable 2500 - 3000 that'll probably turn up. A good crowd, that's not in dispute, but not what it old be. The fact that the "superstars" of the sport aren't household names is irrelevant. The organisers would have the opportunity of telling the media that the cream of the sport were turning up. In Berwick. Little old Berwick! Hurrah! Media interest generates public interest. That brings in new or lapsed support & money. Money that goes ultimately to injured riders. A Google search produces the 2009 lineup: Full Field: KEVIN DOOLAN, RICKY ASHWORTH, ANDRE COMPTON, SCOTT NICHOLLS, JASON CRUMP, LEIGH ADAMS, FREDDIE LINDGREN, TAI WOFFINDEN, DAVEY WATT, BEN BARKER, EDDIE KENNETT, JASON LYONS, KAUKO NIEMINEN, TOMASZ PISZCZ, FILIP SITERA, RICHARD HALL. Reserve JOSH AUTY. God bless Richard Hall & Ricky Ashworth for their support of the cause, but in 2009 they were, with the greatest respect, not exactly the draw cards. However, just to lighten the mood a little, how much of a draw would Filip Sitera be LOL!
  21. And you'll find that since that was rather foolishly made public, virtually all of them have backed away from their original agreement. I'm sure it'll make very little difference to them, but equally when there's easy money to be had from the likes of Bordernapolis bookings, the promotion will have two lists of "names" and only one list with phone numbers. Most of whom won't set foot in the country until April - hopefully not at all in the case of Ward.
  22. If true comments are then distorted dreadfully, why bother speaking to the local rag? A local paper is far less likely to risk losing credibility, news sources, and readers because they're so much smaller scale than the tabloid chip wrappers.
  23. Do you REALLY think that if Topinka's meeting had been on the Monday instead of the Friday it would have made any difference at all? You don't think that the same riders would have done Sunday & Monday rather than Friday & Sunday? I don't think any of the criticism is aimed at Topinka himself, the Kings Lynn promotion or the BSPA, who will have simply confirmed the early start to the season being applicable due to Easter falling in March (just). The individual riders ha e chosen to take the money on offer at Kings Lynn & Wolverhampton, accept two meetings as being enough competitive practice ahead of the NZ GP, and to ignore the opportunity to help raise funds for their less fortunate colleagues - and, should fate twist that way, themselves. These are,of course the same riders who want to milk British tracks for what they can get - but at the same time not bother to compete in a full league structure, hence the shambles that is the Elite League at present. There's no pint int "hang their heads in shame" posts, because they won't feel any. Should they all suffer catastrophic engine failures over the weekend, while initially being amusing, won't affect them as their sponsors will pick up the tab. The greatest competition will be an ironic one between the speed with which one of these "superstars" bangs in a claim on the Ben Fund resources, and some bobble hatted buffoon posts on here about "the speedway family".
  24. Do you mean someone like his team manager? Yeah, that'll work. If he blows any more smoke up his arse he'll make the first kipper to ride in the GPs.
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