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Everything posted by Backless

  1. Already documented. Thanks for your valuable input.
  2. And what? Therefore it should be tailored for and pander to the over 60s? That'll solve all the problems. It's got to get its backside into the 21st Century & package itself accordingly. And that means attracting younger people and families. No one said anything about excluding old folk, but if it isn't focused away from Doris & Ernie's Golden Wedding record requests it may as well pack in now.
  3. Which one again sums up why speedway is where it is - because it's where it and "nostalgic" fans deserve it to be. Fed up with the modern world? That's why there's a booming trade in care homes. It's supposed to be a sport, for the love of God. The reason it's dying on its arse is catering for those wallowing in senility. 70 year old presenters leaking out what passed for presentation in the 60s & 70s because they don't know any different & haven't realised that the rest of the world has moved on. I bet you like a good record request too.
  4. Better to be a realist than some senile, deluded happy clapper, who thinks "someone" should build a track in the middle of nowhere, for no apparent reason, without any likelihood of any financial return or any use. Still, there are those who struggle to grasp any aspect of the modern world. It's just not the same since Cliff & the Shads weren't Pick of The Pops.
  5. Yeah, a sure fire way to boost interest & indeed attendances: televise some gap-toothed, goggle-eyed bobble hat wear clad in a Wulfsport anorak - preferably a Brummie, I'd say.
  6. Christ, that glass wasn't half full for very long - best to give them a call & tell them not to bother.
  7. A pm to Moorwell should do the trick. More cobblers as usual - always asking fans: who will they be? When he buys a round for the half dozen that turn up at Scunthorpe these days?
  8. Not having any idea why my posting saw fit to appear twice, an hour more or less between appearances..... I don't recall suggesting that anyone had less than every right to ask whatever they want. Even when the answer is (seemingly) bleeding obvious. In the meantime, here's the latest platter from Little Tommy Steele........
  9. Because there's no speedway promoter involved in any aspect of the project and, in keeping with the history of the world , no-one has built a speedway track just for the hell of it? Any other race tracks got a speedway track? Nope. So why would this one?
  10. It's a bit unfair having both Sophie & Charlie on the same programme. How can Charlie compete with someone who can construct a grammatically correct sentence?
  11. Excellent news, and it makes a pleasant change to see a bit of positivity & ambition being shown rather than hands being thrown up & a begging bowl being pushed forward. Redcar's pocket money grabbing scheme, just in time for the school holidays is also err innovative.
  12. Jesus H Christ - is there no one in control of the pap that gets pumped out up there? Rumour has it there's a World Under 21 Round at Berwick this year … there's been at least 3 press releases that haven't had it tacked on.
  13. All of which adds substance to the theory that the thing driving away any potential new fans isn't the T/R, averages, foreigners, tracks, bikes, silencers, or anything else - it's contact with speedway fans
  14. Amend the scoring system that works to eliminate the scoring system(s0 that don't - sounds good to me.
  15. So blinkered you don't even know what you're disagreeing with. The League Points system - ripped to shreds by the know it all's on here - is the best thing to have been brought in in the last 25 years. To address the rules that you're harping on about, it's been pointed out earlier in an example that tac subs would be a drain to the sum of £380 per meeting. In practice it would probably be a lot more - the pay rates quoted are a bit too optimistic - and in the Elite League the cost difference would be phenomenal. Any suggestions as to where that sort of money might be found? As for Rolling Averages, how more simplistic does it have to be? Admittedly when it was brought in, based on 38 matches, it was taking in too many - so now the matches included are being reduced. Get it down to @ 24 and, quite staggeringly, a riders average will be based on his last 24 matches. Time for another Golden Wedding Anniversary record request… here's the latest 78 rpm platter from that young crooner, Matt Monroe…
  16. Not quite right - it may or may not have been the case tonight, but Sky have televised a few this week (what with not actually having much of anything else at the minute) and they've been played in front of "Speedway" crowds.
  17. I have no idea why Wells wouldn't be put at 5, but at the same time I have never seen him do anything that would suggest it would be anything other than a failure. Does he use the Premier League primarily for testing engines? If so, there's a waste bin outside the chip shop down the street from Shielfield Park he would have been advised to have used. As far as trying harder or otherwise is concerned, if that a demonstartion of busting his ass the God help Sheffield. As for being a fan or otherwise of Wells, when I've noticed him riding in a meeting I've attended, I've yet to see him do anything that would warrant forming an opinion. The latest in a long line of EL riders (how that works is another subject) who looks upon the PL as paid practice - but not well paid practice in his case.
  18. Or "well done the BSPA for showing foresight in legislating for my safety & that of my fellow riders - and shame on those who failed to show similar consideration".
  19. And scored 4+1, a paid win over an under power Paul Starke & the withdrawn Kozza Smith & a second in front of his team mate & the withdrawn Kozza Smith. Truly a majestic performance.
  20. I'm sorry, I had no idea you were seemingly bereft of the ability to read.
  21. Well, there would be an empty berth for Robert Mear, who served Rye House so well this year.
  22. Is that what I suggested? No - just the typical bleating bobble hat wearing response to anyone who doesn't agree with with the "crap but cheap" brigade. For years GB has been a PL country. So run a PL standard league. If it means a few "names" aren't riding here, fine - they don't particularly want to anyway. That why the Elite League has disappeared up its own backside by cancelling the KO Cup and half the B fixtures. I wouldn't advocate 25 instead of 14 but what the Hell is with14 fixtures spread over 6 months or more? If it means 1 or 2 Brits are squeezed out, so be it. Then, instead of Golden Wedding Record Requests (dear God), put on a proper bloody show instead of the disheveled farce that goes on at the vast majority of tracks. If riders can be served up to answer inane questions from the bint on Sky, they can do the same at every match - but not being interviewed by geriatrics who remember Johnnie Hoskins in his prime. It's about a SHOW not background music, it's about making an effort.
  23. Would it help if, at those additional meetings, the clubs prise a shiny 50p "donation" from every child? Look at all the Kids For A Quid deals - what has that done? Charge the little buggers more than adult prices. Then, when they're earning, they can drop off the old folk at the Day Care Centre / Speedway for a good natter of an evening.
  24. Page after page of dragging the sport down to make it fit into some "it's a bit crap, but at least it's cheap" edict. Every other sport has over recent years has at least tried to evolve and maximise value AND maximise its income through improvement. Speedway & a majority of fans more spend time languishing in 40 year old memories. The reason speedway is in the state it's in is because that's where it and the majority of supporters are suited.
  25. An excellent piece of PR from the guru of speedway promotion once again: just at the time of year when everyone else is attempting to bring in fans over the school holidays with "kid for a quid" deals, The Wrinkled One prises another shiny 50p out of their sticky little hands. If its a "donation", I assume there'll be fully published details of where the cash will go, once - I mean if - the air fence fails to materialise.
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