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Backless last won the day on July 12 2013

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  1. Okay, disliked a 30 year old corpse, not hated. Only mildly psychotic in that case. Still, what a card! What a character! If only the sport had more like him nowadays!
  2. And based on your original comments about Auffret still harbouring hatred for Millen 30 years after the latter's death, perhaps the appropriate action wouldn't have been exclusion from a meeting, more like sumsission to a psychiatic ward. Still what a character, eh?
  3. That would certainly spice up next year's Cock O'The North opening challenge match with Edinburgh..............
  4. No lightening up required - however, if we're going to hang on to a tawdry bit of fluff because it's "tradtional", why don't stadia keep the bogs that can be detected from 50 yards away - oh, that's right, some do. Let's have a nice brass band during the interval & at half time in the cup final. It's supposed to be "Years Gone By" - not last weekend. Still, it fits in with Donald & Elsie's record request for their Golden Wedding & their record request for something not too rowdy from the hit parade.
  5. 30 years after Millen died? That's one sad individual.
  6. And doesn't that, in one sentence, sum up why the sport is dying on it's arse? A 1960's theme park.Without the interesting bits.
  7. And Im sure McDonalds will take on board that once everyone seen an advert that they sell burgers, there's no need to advertise again. As for being a pointless channel, I'm sure those that follow the wide range of motorsports, Tour De France, football et al will all be willing to sign up to that opinion. A free-to-air channel, available in every house in the country? Let's all pray the sport never makes another appearance.
  8. Excellent contribution. Dded a great deal, knocked my comments based in the real world as to why the lack of card payments is not a high priority to most promoters when it comes to expenditure into a cocked trilby. I can't wait for the next criticism aimed at the promoters that at the Conference "they're obsessed with minutae instead of addressing the big issues".
  9. On the subject at the top of the page, as there would appear to have been a single comment made regarding the content of the programme, think of my interaction with the clinically bonkers as merely an extra bit of time filling whilst awaiting a second comment. With ITV4 being available on every TV set still receiving a picture, it might have been expected at least one other comment on the content by now - maybe speedway fans are still grappling with the Digital switchover?
  10. Jesus Christ Almighty, the Care in the Community Programme has a lot to answer for over the years - I bet you whistle like George Dixon when you're doing it too. Thank you for your attention Constable DuLally.
  11. The only reassurance is that, as far as I'm aware, the Boston Strangler would have been much easily detected if he had been accompanied by the rustle of Wilfsport nylon & the bobble on his hat could have been seen, protruding from the bushes.
  12. Your constant stalking & monitoring of my comments is somewhat unnerving, but I guess it's an alternative to making a contribution - and one that you seem to have embraced wholeheartedly. Very true however, it ISN'T as easy these days - if you buy a range of equipment that doesn't record, it will make recording somewhat awkward. Indeed, although I have a TV in the kitchen, the fridge nearby has proven to be very stubborn when it comes to recording the omnibus edition of Eastenders. Maybe now I have an inkling as to what that might be so. So, your invaluable contribution is to highlight to your fellow bobble hat wearers that in order to record something, it will be necessary - perhaps even essential to purchase a device capable of recording. It comes as no surprise that a world of Sky +, PVR's, TiVo, HDD recorders DVD & Blu-ray recorders & a whole host of other recording devices have passed you by. Betamax - the Speedway bobble hat wearer's best friend.
  13. If only there was some sort of recording device that could be used to record pictures as well as sound …
  14. Even if there is any truth in the lightly veiled suggestion, it would only make any difference if & when the vast majority of fans turned up with plastic in their hands. Even then, the amounts involved would mean hefty bank charges & hire charges for the (portable) kit & infrastructure to process payments. Much more fun though to blame the promoters, make snide remarks, and blather about "the dark ages".
  15. A fun show, a lighthearted look at the sport, a decent explanation of the skills involved in riding & how different they are to other disciplines, short highlights of Lakeside v Poole, a mention of Chris Holder's black & white helmet colour without hysterics and all in front of a motorbike-interested audience. Job done, I'd suggest.
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