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Everything posted by Reviresco

  1. Agree with you Danny, as I'd give Belle Vue a chance of finishing 3rd. The other two teams look ridiculously strong.
  2. Or at least the ones Steve got right so we can piece together (guess) the others.
  3. The way things are with speedway these days, and if the Plymouth model is a success, maybe the only way for speedway clubs to survive in the future will to become supporter backed, community funded? Not a great comparison, but German football seems to be thriving on this model where, I think, 51% has to be owned by supporters. And I wouldn't expect beer and hot dogs to be delivers to me via a mini-train, or by a waiter/waitress at a speedway match. So maybe supporters clubs will inherit the sport one day. Clubs seem to have distanced themselves from supporters these days and that, along with the drop in crowds and the advent of social media and forums, seems to have lessened the membership, scope and impact of supporters clubs, but there should still be a place for social events, fund raisers, coaches (maybe mini-buses these days), meet-the-rider evenings, etc. Then if you can't get people to attend speedway matches, I guess it would be even more difficult to get many to supporters club functions - although most of these would be indoors and not susceptible to postponement.
  4. Sounds as if Gino has decided to do his National Championship Qualifier despite the nasty injury he recently sustained: https://twitter.com/Gino_Manzares/status/720657702028910592 Good luck to the lad.
  5. https://twitter.com/RorySchlein3/status/720939683568619521
  6. Clever, Newcastle-Under-Lyme rather than the one where the fog is on the Tyne.
  7. All gone very quiet on the Somerset Thread. Tonight's scheduled home meeting against Scunthorpe postponed due to a waterlogged track.
  8. Sky Sports TV show their schedules on their web-site, but this is notoriously slow in being updated: http://www.skysports.com/watch/speedway-on-sky Best place for updates is most probably their Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/skyspeedway Otherwise, news and discussions can be found on the Speedway on TV 2016 Thread on the Speedway News and Discussions Forum: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=80985&p=2737045 Then of course there are the SGPs and SWC which are to be shown on BT Sport and there is talk of Swedish League speedway being shown again on Eurosport this season. If you're interested in Polish League coverage, these are usually available via streams, links to which are posted on the International World of Speedway Forum. Hope this help.
  9. At least there's something going on in my mind.
  10. That's a brilliant web-site and thanks for sharing it here. I have Mike Western's book 'Seven Men For One Season' which is a great little read. I think it really knocked the stuffing out of speedway when Hackney closed. And yes, Steve, a full British team (although some would point out Loram's birthplace). For success using local talent, would any match one of Hackney's old sparring partners though? Ipswich 1975 and 1976 = 5 from Ipswich, 1 from Suffolk + 1 novice Australian, then Ipswich 1984 = 4 from the East of England, 1 Australian, 1 American and a Finn, then Ipswich 1998 = 3 from Ipswich, 1 Swede, 1 Pole and a Czech and now.... Ipswich 2016 = 4 Englishmen (none from Suffolk), 1 Dane, 1 Argentinian and an Italian
  11. Yes, but its not Richie Worrall guesting, its Kyle Howarth and Ryan Fisher: http://www.newcastlediamonds.co/news/article.asp?id=100496
  12. That appears to be contradicted by the Press Release quoted in Post #1389. So, what was said at the Fans' Forum last night then?
  13. Update on Kacper Woryna's injury taken from the club web-site: 'COVENTRY’S Kacper Woryna suffered severe lacerations to his hand in his crash at King’s Lynn on Wednesday. Woryna was taken to hospital in King’s Lynn before being released at around 4am and taken to Walsgrave. There are no broken bones but he will still require surgery either later today or tomorrow, at which point he will have a clearer idea of his likely time out of action. The club would like to extend grateful thanks to Radec Ruminski of Kenneth Hansen Racing, who stayed with Kacper in King’s Lynn until he was able to be transferred back to Coventry, even though he has a meeting with Kenneth for Workington at Redcar on Thursday. Kacper has also been visited by club captain Chris Harris on Thursday morning, and we wish him all the best for a speedy recovery. Best wishes are also extended to Rory Schlein, who was also involved in the Heat 14 accident, and we hope his injuries are not too severe.' Hoping for good news and a speedy recovery to both.
  14. Considering Lambert is the only competitor in the line-up riding in a top 3 position in the EL, if he finishes all his races, he should walk this. More interest probably in who else can gain a rostrum place and be considered for the World U21 and Reserve SWC position.
  15. Careful where you point your didgeridoo, Alexander, and who you allow to blow it. And careful where you chuck your boomerang, in case it doesn't come back. After Romance's tangle with Josh Auty last night, maybe save the woomera until Leicester visit too. Hope the weather and meeting are both to be enjoyed tonight. (Where has sidney disappeared to?)
  16. I think Alan was saying that Barker can only replace Garrity, as two of the three double-uppers share a position, and cannot replace King as a double-up rider. The Green Sheets show Barker and Garrity linked as the two to share a position.
  17. Don't forget the bush hat with corks to keep the flies away, to make the Aussie boys feel more at home.
  18. AccuWeather, which is sometimes more accurate than the BBC, predicts a heavy shower at 16:17 until 16:42, but dry after and cloud cover building up to stop the temperature dropping too far.
  19. Before the re-run of Heat 8 at Leicester last night Sky trailed their upcoming fixture list and the first one shown was - 'April 27 - Belle Vue v Poole'. And, the Belle Vue web-site has a link to pre-purchase tickets and the first currently showing on their Meeting Schedule is - 'Poole Pirates Wednesday, 27/4/16 7:30pm' http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase?agency=BVA_&organ_val=47609&schedule=list
  20. To hold an ACU licence, a British passport must be produced. Why should it be different for a rider born in Great Britain and one who was not? You don't have to have gone abroad to hold a British passport, but you do if you want to ride in the NL in 2016.
  21. You've probably done this already Sue, but if not maybe try a request on their Facebook page? https://www.facebook.com/Island-Speedways-Wight-Warriors-397385410444345/
  22. Wouldn't it be that an ACU licence would not be issued until the SCB has proof of a British passport, and without an ACU licence the rider is ineligible to ride?
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