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About NathanB

  • Birthday 10/11/1983

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    Dersingham, Kings Lynn, Norfolk

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  1. Have to agree here, no mention of job sharing just doubling up so cant see how unless a rider is in PL they can double up
  2. Kristof kasper can not ride today big holes in exausts haha tut tut.... Twitter for iPhone • 09/08/2011 17:28 Interesting tweet from tai this afternoon
  3. I think this is an absolute travesty, Kennett now misses Kings Lynn and im pretty sure r/r will score more than he would In all honesty though this is most disappointing to read. I had been pleasantly suprised by the form he has shown this season and now I ask myself how many other times has he cheated. I agree with mosy here and he should be sacked and missed the rest of the season. I hate cheats and there is just no place for them in any walks of life.
  4. Why is this being discussed still, it happened 4 years ago, let the boy get on with his career, I would imagine he has grown up since then.
  5. A vast majority of the coaching team in the football squad aren't English but I wouldn't go to Wembley and wave an Italian flag around.
  6. You make a fair point but if we were being pedantic then strictly speaking anybody who rides for Team GB would never be representing their country as GB is an island, not a country. In effect, Team GB are representing their countries.
  7. I went to the meeting at Kings Lynn on Monday with my English flag because I am English and the whole of the team were English. Whats your point? No disrespect to the Scots, Welsh or Irish but they havent got anybody good enough to ride for GB just now (having said that I sat through 3 hours watching Bridger last night). I am offended that you brandish me an idiot because I was wearing the colours of the country I was born in, supporting a team of riders who were all born in the same country as me.
  8. I don't see the problem, a football team wont announce their line up until at least an hour before kick off.
  9. I would take Harris, Bridger, Kennett, Woffinden and Barker to the race off. My reasons being we are in a position where we are no longer close to the bigger nations so why not give these youngsters a chance. We may well embarass ourselves with that team but would it be the end of the world? The competition would be forgotten about in a few weeks so lets just give them the experience of riding in a big meeting. Who knows by the time the WC comes around next year this may be the best British team available. I would also have Jerran Hart as a special guest
  10. Yes, because Kings Lynn (No E) are renowned for being corrupt.
  11. Im going to Stick up for Middlo here as i believe it was the right time to use the joker and the right time. Gollob looked very one paced in the opener and I thought if Nicholls could have got the drop on him from 1 he could have done the business but hey ho. Overall I was quite despondant last night but in the light of day I think we had a go and on another day co9uld have won it. I think we dropped about 11 points last nighht through bad riding, bad judgement, bad luck, call it what you like. In all honesty though all this would have done is papered over the cracks for me. As a nation at present we are just not good enough to mix with the best. Im not saying for one minute that we were poor last night because i dont think we were. We made poor decisions at vital times. The Poles gave us an example of how to ride. Electric from the tapes and riding the perfect line. If you look at their team they have riders who havent rode on this track much in recent history. Protasiewicz - 98, Gollob - 98, Kolodziej - Never, Hampel - not totally sure but only once this century. They are a super team with super riders and could probably have fielded a second team last night which would have done well. GB just seems to have a shortage of young talent at the minute which shows no signs of changing and until we sort the infrastructure that is currently in place it will be tough. Having said all this we could have still won last night but we are only ever going to do well in our own country. Not enough riders are doing well on the continent on the bigger, faster Polish tracks. I spoke a lot about Eddie Kennett before the meeting and I owe him an apology. He was tremendous for us and scored the points and did the job expected. I doubted he could do it and he proved me wrong, well done Eddie. IMO Olly Allen should have been in that team probably in place of Barker. Allen would have gated with the Poles and is very hard to pass round the Norfolk Arena. Saying that Ben rode very well in his last race and was deserving of his victory. Overall it was slightly depressing but fair play to the Poles they arew a class side. I would also like to say well done to their fans. They are a credit to the sport and show such enthusiasm. Had some great banter with their fans on the back straight and they really made the meeting what it was last night.
  12. Its the top 9 from the 5 qualifiers who go through to the 3 semi finals Still leaves me wondering where the next 3 come from
  13. Now that we have 45 qualifiers where do the other 3 come from? Are there wild cards at each track from the representing country, seems slightly unfair if it is? I hav worked out which countries are represented in the semis as it is a rainy day and I'm bored. Poland 8 Denmark 7 Sweden 6 Australia 4 England 4 Germany 4 Czech Republic 3 Russia 3 Slovenia 2 Finland 1 Hungary 1 Latvia 1 Ukraine 1 This list only includes 1 current GP rider in Antonio Lindback
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