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Everything posted by MattK

  1. Without evidence from that particular meeting, I cannot see how Kennett's scores can be removed from anything other than the Lakeside match.
  2. First and foremost, a ban acts as a deterrent to other riders. It also shows that the British authorities will come down hard on cheats. Of course, this may be harsh on Kennett, as he is effectively being made a scapegoat, but unless he is dealt with severely it will simply open the floodgates for riders to flaunt the rules.
  3. Is this meeting GP format or a straight 20 heats?
  4. It's funny how people bitch and moan about the BSPA making idle and pointless changes to the leagues, yet here we have seven pages of changes purely for the sake of change, to the excellent format that is the SWC. The only thing I would change is... only joking!
  5. I agree, seems a strange decision not to use Crump. As always, the SWC final produces an absolutely excellent meeting. Congratulations to Poland, they came on exceptionally strong in the latter stages on the event. Presumably it will be hosted in Denmark next year?
  6. I thought Nigel Pearson's comment about the BSPA getting their heads together this winter was more of a reference as to why Britain's two best riders chose not to ride last night. As for "investing in youth", most promoters can only dream of keeping their head above water for two seasons in a row, the concept of investing monye in a youth system must be so far off their radar to be laughable.
  7. Surely the "simple" solution is to pay the money directly to the riders rather than the federations?
  8. And pay in advance? And travel hundreds of miles?
  9. I have another question: Take Grzegorz Zengota. He rode 29 meetings last season and achieved an average of 5.65. If he joins Swindon mid-season in 2011 will he gain a rolling average based on his meetings last year minus what he has completed this year - and if so will they be deducted off the start of his 2010 scores? Likewise, at the end of 2011, will his starting average for 2012 be his rolling average of 2010 + 2011 or will it just take into account his 2011 scores?
  10. I would imagine the British/Russian embassies would get involved if the Russian football or Olympic teams had visa problems. For speedway though? Meh.
  11. It looked like the five were split into two heats, three riders in one and two in the other. The winners of those two heats went into the "final" and then the three remaining riders raced-off. The first two from the race-off went into the final, which was somewhat arbitrary, as it was four from five qualifying anyway - but it appears that Watt misses out my virtue of coming last in the race-off. That's the best I could work out anyway!
  12. Not a bad list. I'd say Hampel may be a bit too old (he's 29 now) to still be in the GPs in 2016. I think riders like Laguta, Pawlicki, Lasse Bjerre and Woffinden would have to show massive improvement over the next five years in order to become GP quality riders. I also think Gregorz Zengota is currently streets ahead of a lot of those riders and is only 22.
  13. What percentage of speedway fans don't go to Cardiff? Of those, how many don't go due to travel time/cost/distance to Cardiff? They are the only people who are likely to go to a second GP located in the north or Scotland and not Cardiff. Everyone else you are relying on attending both GPs if you don't want to adversely affect the Cardiff crowd. Personally, if I was going to attend two GPs it would be Cardiff plus one in Poland - rather than two in the UK.
  14. Again, I'd guess it's a commercial decision. Having a race-off followed by the final at the same venue means you have two opportunities to recoup the costs. Likewise, having only one nation qualifying from the semi-final into the final means there is more chance of the host nation riding in the race-off, which would significantly boost the crowd. Tickets for the race-off are cheaper than the finals, but I can't remember (from the year it was in Reading) how much different. Personally I think BSI have done an excellent job with the format of both the SWC and the GP.
  15. I imagine that the host nation or indeed hosting club have to pay a not unsubstantial amount to BSI for the honour of hosting the SWC. This in turn is recouped through ticket sales for the two meetings. Maybe the BSPA/British tracks don't want to risk Team GB not qualifying for the final and therefore losing their shirt through lack of ticket sales?
  16. I'd rather see the four best teams in the final, rather than the three best teams plus the hosts. Also, what happens when Germany, Italy, Slovenia or some other equally uncompetitive nation wants to host the final?
  17. Will Richard become the first victim of the dreaded rolling averages? His official Rolling Average in the Elite League is 4.95, yet his real (unofficial) average this season based on the meetings he has ridden for Coventry is just 3.90. Presumably, if he takes a break then next season he will still be on 4.95, which clearly does not recognise his loss of form - or indeed, as some might argue, a return to a more realistic level?
  18. I agree with The Saint. William Tell overture and Fanfare for the Common Man have luckily been consigned to the dustbin of musical history at most tracks. I thought on the whole the music was far better than what we have had to put up with the past few years. The presentation was very good, although I think this was helped by having large screens above each section in the lower seating area.
  19. But Swindon fans boo everyone that isn't Leigh Adams. There was a genuine sense of confusion last Thursday when Schlein won Johno's meeting. Half the crowd knew they should be booing, but couldn't work out why. Personally, I'd be very happy to see Greg Hancock win the world title again.
  20. A great evening and a massive crowd. Schlein and Darcy Ward were the best on show, I think the GP boys were keeping a little bit back for Saturday.
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