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Everything posted by MattK

  1. I agree. A logo is designed to provide brand awareness and is a way to consistent present your company. Very few logos actually even hint at what the company does.
  2. How difficult would it be to properly scrutinise these engines to ensure they have not been modified internally?
  3. Looks like Stefan and Sedg both might be victims of the reorg. Only two Championship teams are yet to complete and as you say Premiership slots are filling up quickly.
  4. I went to the two meetings that were at Oxford a few years ago. The first was ace, lots of different heats, with loads of riders in each and all a bit bonkers. Held together by a very good commentator, as with so many riders it isn't as easy to follow as speedway. I have to admit that the novelty wore off pretty quickly and at the second Oxford meeting, which I think was a year or two later, I actually spent a significant amount of time in the bar watching England v Sweden. One of the things I liked most was during the interval you could walk the pits and get a close-up look a the bikes and mingle with some of the riders. This worked well due to the size of the crowd, but it is definitely something speedway could learn from. As you correctly pointed out, flat track has a lot more crossover appeal, as the bikes you see on the track are the same you can buy in the shops. This is what I don't understand with F2 Speedway. They are putting a motocross engine in a speedway frame, whereas I think someone should put a speedway engine in a motocross frame so that there is some semblance of mainstream appeal. Overall I am glad that I have experienced it, but am in no hurry to return to a flat track event.
  5. I can't see that many fans turning out to watch a weakened Premiership team week-in, week-out, let alone watching an even weaker Championship team for just a few quid less.
  6. Keep the 50-point limit and the multiplier or drop the limit to 42-ish and scrap the multiplier. Those are the only two options which make and sense.
  7. How have Sheffield got five riders doubling-up with Premiership teams? I thought the maximum was two?
  8. In terms of Premiership riders I'd say Klindt, Perks, Watt, Clegg, Huckenberk, Lindgren, Bates, K Bjerre and Bachelor
  9. I'd have to say no. We are giving away more than two points to the second highest average rider (Kasprzak) and more than four points to the like Rye House, which they can in turn use to build a team with a stronger bottom end. The question of course is that if we didn't sign Doyle, who could we have used as a number one? I would personally have preferred a team with more strength in depth, but I don't think many Swindon fans would have been happy with that.
  10. Books are a bit old fashioned and new media such as DVDs and computer games are limited by the ambitions (our lack thereof) of the respective rights holders.
  11. I'm not sure why everyone is so pessimistic. As the saying goes "it's all relative". Look at the 4-point riders out there. Is there really anyone who is head and shoulders above Grondal? Similarly, how many 3 and 4-point riders have experience on Elite League tracks?
  12. But you are also penalising teams who might lose a heatleader to injury.
  13. Which just goes to show, averages are only an equaliser to a certain extent, but nothing compares with having a large budget.
  14. To be fair, King and K Bjerre are better headleaders than the Hougaard, Ulamek, Walasek combination signed by Leicester. Plus Auty was the best draft rider on paper (had the highest PL average) but failed to turn up.
  15. I don't think they will though. If they line up as King-Kerr, Garitty-L Bjerre and K Bjerre-reserves, that doesn't look like pairings which will be on the wrong end of many 5-1s.
  16. Doesn't fit. You could have: Chris Holder (12.53) Tungate (9.03) Wright (6.59) Newman (6.31) Jake Allen (5.96) Bradley Dean Wilson (5.02) With 4.56 left
  17. I don't think that Coventry team looks too bad. What they are conceding in the middle order, they more than make up for at reserve. People are saying Rye House look strong and they do had have lots of experience, but they are likely to line up with two reserves who have no top flight experience. Bates and Sarjeant will have them on toast. Of course there are questions over Bjerre and Garrity. The later will have to ride with his head and for former will have to show a bit of heart, but in this weakened league I wouldn't say Coventry are a lost cause at all.
  18. That doesn't address the situation where after so few meetings some riders will be on false averages. Similar happened last year where some draft riders had an 8+ average after the first few meetings.. Granted, reserves have tougher rides in the new (old) format, but if some teams have cannonfodder at #7 is it quite possible that some reserves could put two or three points on their average in the first 8 meetings. Another change that doesn't seem to have been thought through.
  19. Because he is the best value rider in the league and Poole have the deepest pockets?
  20. I think his average would be too high. He finished 2013 on 7.56 which converts to 10.58. Unless... there is a different rule for riders pre-draft format? I genuinely believe that the promoters have yet to agree how averages will be calculated once the season starts.
  21. The playoffs are a bumper pay day for the teams involved.
  22. You're assuming averages will work the same way as in the past. If the 50-point limit and the 1.4 multiplier is maintained throughout the session then as stated Doyle could easily hit his average in this weakened league.
  23. That would leave us with only one recognised heat leader, Doyle. So balanced, but very short of firepower when it comes to heats 13 and 15.
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