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Everything posted by MattK

  1. Berge has been woeful, according to his scores in my fantasy league team. I never rated Kim Nilsson, but he has impressed me with his scores at Leicester.
  2. Which is why some bright people (namely me) said they should retain the 50 point limit all season and continue to inflate all averages by 1.4. We will now have a situation by the end April/beginning of May where some riders are on their old "inflated" averages (such as Ellis) and others are on new "real" averages. How on earth teams will be able to calculate their total points for team building purposes is anyone's guess. The other problem of course is what average do non-Premiership riders come in on? The regulations state that a rider with a rider with a previous EL MA is multiplied by 1.4, but surely this is no longer applicable once the new CMAs are published?
  3. Like running the Premiership on Wednesday and Thursday and Championship on Friday and Saturday?
  4. Exactly, it is water off a duck's back to him. He's a bare-faced liar, everyone knows that, but he doesn't seem to care. The idea that we can somehow shame him into building a stadium he doesn't want to build is laughable.
  5. How do you expect to hold Osborne to account? He has no obligation to build a new stadium. What punitive actions can anyone take against him?
  6. Poole King's Lynn Wolves Rye House Belle Vue Leicester Swindon Somerset
  7. Why would they want to use Tuesdays? Everyone knows Tuesday is Swedish league. The problem is us in Britain who want to race every night of the week.
  8. The sensible thing would be for the authorities from each league to get together and determine an order of priority for riders in the even of clashes. Given there is no agreement it seems reasonable for Poland to draw a line in the sand. Rather than getting stroppy about it, the BSPA should put together their own counter proposal, based on similar regulation to which are already applicable to the British leagues, You can't really blame Poland, as the dominant league, for stepping into the vacuum and trying to protect their teams.
  9. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/cricket/article-4287406/England-cricket-set-benefit-BT-Sport-rights-grab.html Interesting that this is almost a throwaway line in an article about football and cricket rights. No mention from official channels. Unless of course someone from the Daily Mail is an avid reader of BSF?
  10. No. The condition is until contracts for the new stadium are signed. This is a very vague and ambiguous clause and given the fanfare around work on the new stadium "starting" I would imagine that this condition has already been met. I have read the planning documentation thoroughly and there is no mention of a clause/covenant restricting usage of the land to sporting facilities. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but similar to the "can't demolish the old stadium until the new one is built clause" no one seems to be able to point to this in writing.
  11. It depends who you believe. There is a rumour that the old stadium cannot be demolished until the new stadium has been built. I say this is a rumour, as lots of people repeat this, but no one is able to show where in the planning documents this clause is actually written. Personally I think we'll be safe for 2017, as the developers will want to build and sell all the houses they already have permission for, before moving on to the contentious subject of why all the houses have been finished, but the new stadium hasn't been started.
  12. The plans for a new stadium were a bargaining chip in order for the developers to get planning permission to build houses on the rest of the land. There was never any intention to build a new stadium and this has been borne out by the fact that despite a fanfare around work starting back in November, nothing has actually been done.
  13. Does anyone know what the stadium is valued at? Given a CPO has to be at market value, I'd have thought that would be the largest stumbling block.
  14. The GoSpeed site still refers to Elite and Premier Leagues. I wouldn't hang my hat on how up to date that site is!
  15. The real reason for Sky pulling out is tucked away in the regulations: "The SGB Premiership & Championship League Play-Offs will involve the top 4 Teams in the final League Table in a series of Home and Away Ties on a Knock-Out basis in which the TR Facility is not applicable."
  16. http://www.barb.co.uk/viewing-data/weekly-top-10/ You can search back through the weeks from last season.
  17. Behaviour such as winning the World Championship twice?
  18. Exactly. You don't even have to like the bloke, just respect him for his achievements.
  19. Good point and unfortunate for Sarjeant, but I stand by my comment that you cannot change the rules after the majority have declared their teams. This is a good point. I haven't been following this closely, what was the catalyst for the BSPA to suddenly decide to pull the plug on Coventry?
  20. Given that most clubs have declared their teams, it would be very bad to start changing the rules at this late stage. Obviously it is unfortunate for the riders involved, but none of the British riders are without a club and I'm sure over the course of the season those without a Premiership team will get picked up.
  21. I think the speedway has a lot of influence. Look at Oxford. The GRA don't want to run it as a going concern, but campaigning from fans back by the council has meant the chances of it ever being redeveloped into houses is minimal. This means they have a multi-million pound white elephant. Having the speedway's backing to turn the current stadium into houses would overcome a major hurdle in gaining planning permission.
  22. I'd have thought Terry Russell would be more than up to the challenge. The problem is I don't think his heart has been in running Swindon for several years now. The new co-owner Mike Bowden has a good track record in business, but his current role seems to be little more than a spokesman for Stadia UK, which doesn't fill me with confidence.
  23. Poole King's Lynn Rye House Wolves Swindon Coventry Somerset Belle Vue Leicester
  24. Speedway should cut a deal with the housing developers. The land allocated for the stadium could accommodate around 200 houses, which at an average profit of £100,000 per house is £20m. The speedway should agree to back plans for houses to be built in exchange for 20% of the profits, £4m, which would be more than enough to allow us to go and set up on our own somewhere else.
  25. Given that they haven't started and we're already midway through February, July seems a tad optimistic!
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