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Everything posted by MattK

  1. Firstly, speedway has no profile. The whole point of sponsorship is to raise awareness of your brand and/or receive some prestige/status from the sport your are sponsoring. Secondly, speedway doesn't know what its target market is. If you look around the tracks it is mainly over 50s, but clubs aim their marketing at school kids and riders are covered in tattoos and piercings. Which companies are aiming their brands at 50 year-old school kids with tattoos? That means ultimately you end up with business-owning speedway fans sponsoring clubs and riders, which will never cover costs.
  2. Speedway has tried discount admission on numerous occasions. It simply doesn't convert into regular, full price paying attendances.
  3. The GPs have been running for 23 years, yet this is the first Saturday where there has been no British speedway.
  4. Isn't it more to do with the Bank Holiday, GP and Champions League final all falling on the same weekend?
  5. 4th round here: https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/85384/4-runda-el-do-gp-2019-w-abensbergu
  6. https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/85381/1-runda-el-do-gp-2019-w-arnowicy https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/85382/2-runda-el-do-gp-2019-w-slangerup https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/85383/3-runda-el-do-gp-2019-w-lonigo
  7. I think that's a total cop out. He's been around speedway long enough that he should fully understand the internal politics. Using that as an excuse for non-delivery is poor. I think he has done well to introduce fixed race nights, something that British speedway has needed for years, but which people continually said couldn't be done. There is plenty more still to do, but it is a start.
  8. In a stadium which holds 57,000. I make that 99.8% full. This suggests that in fact their ticket are too cheap and they could easily charge more and still sell out.
  9. Clearly you are right, however on first reading (and without comparing it to the original rule) my interpretation was OR rather than AND. Why didn't they write the rule as: Does anyone else find the way the supplementary rules are issued incredibly complex? Why not simply update the main regulations and what a "Changes and Amendment" section at the front to track the updates?
  10. My interpretation of: is that you can have one nomination as an R/R or IRR or TS, not one of each. I assumed the supplementary rule was clarifying the original rule, not changing it.
  11. The supplementary rule is even more confusing: How is it possible for a rider to have 7 rides, when the most they can have is 4 programmed rides, plus one as an R/R, IRR or TS and one for Heat 15?
  12. There does seem to be a genuine lack of atmosphere at British league meetings and I've notice the programme filling at the end of the race when people should really be applauding (or berating) the winner of the heat. You don't seem to get the same lull at Cardiff. I wonder if this is due to the results being displayed on the screens, meaning fans can cheers the riders after the heat and then fill their programmes in?
  13. My view is the opposite. I am amazed any company sponsors British speedway. There cannot be any measurable return on investment, so you are relying completely on the benevolence of business owning fans.
  14. That is the current plan, although those plans are yet to be approved and objections have been submitted by the house builders who have sold houses next to the "old" stadium on the assumption that those houses would be a good 150m away from the "new" stadium.
  15. I think it is more a case of Britain claiming Monday and Thursday as all of the other race nights were already taken, rather than there being any meaningful discussion about their feasibility.
  16. For years, various people, fans, promoters etc. said that fixed race nights wouldn't work in Britain because clubs didn't own their stadiums and that availability is limited. This was despite the obvious advantages that fixed race nights offered in terms of reducing clashes and potentially encouraging back the top riders. Last year we saw the BSPA actually grasp the nettle and actually make a positive decision. Monday and Wednesday was always the most obviously choice as it mean limiting disruption to both Premiership and Championship clubs, however given that not all clubs own their stadiums and that availability is limited is was unlikely all clubs would be able to achieve this from day one. I think the solution, to allow Swindon to race half their home meetings on a Thursday, while all other clubs move to the fixed nights is the ideal compromise for the first season of fixed nights. Hopefully over time Swindon will be able to reach an agreement to allow us to fall in line with the rest of the league. In terms of advantage, as Grachan says, this is available to both teams, so Swindon will have no more of a pool than their opponent.
  17. Shame I can't make it tonight, as I have always enjoyed my visits to Poole, especially for play-off finals. However, if Poole can get their Poles firing and with Kildemand wanting to prove a point, I think the Pirates will have too much for us unfortunately. Either way, it will be a good chance for the lads to get their eye in ready for another victory in the 2018 play-off finals.
  18. One or more of the following perhaps: Sponsorship, partnerships, cash wash, merchandise, fundraising events, crowd funding, murder mystery night, Team GBFC, corporate prawn sandwich meet 'n' greets?
  19. Isn't it a little bit premature to be picking riders before a wheel has turned in anger? Why are we putting out a team which is strong in the qualifiers and not looking to the final? I hate to say this but Chris Harris actually top scored for GB in the SWC Final last year.
  20. I didn't realise his average was that much higher than Worrall's (8.48 v 6.77)
  21. is Kenneth Bjerre sitting out Britain this season?
  22. All the indications are that Rosco is staying on as manager.
  23. Tungate rode for both sides in the same meeting the other night. I get the feeling these warm-up meetings are not taken too seriously.
  24. Rosco has alluded to how the BSPA needed to franchise the team, due to the loss of TV money. This would suggest that VXR paid very little for the rights. Similarly, if the BPSA wanted to maximise value they would have had a much more publicised bidding processes. The fact that there didn't seem to be any mention of this until after the franchise was awarded suggests the BSPA were keen to get rid before they incurred any costs for 2018.
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