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MattK last won the day on December 15 2020

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About MattK

  • Birthday 04/05/1976

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    Kids in Glass Houses, Jay Z, Kanye West, The Killers, Ed Sheeran, My Chemical Romance, Weird Al Yankovic, trance, hard house and techno
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  1. This is the latest plan as far as I can tell https://pa1.swindon.gov.uk/publicaccess/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=P23E0APTKAM00
  2. The were probably told the stadium was moving, which it was in the original masterplan.
  3. I'm so out of the loop, what were the last approved plans? The last I remember is that the "new" stadium was going in place of the old one, which suggests it needs to be demolished before anything else can be erected (fnarr).
  4. I think you're on to something. Speedway fans moan endlessly about there only being six or seven teams in a league, but rugby fans cream themselves about the same six teams playing each other every year in the Six Nations.
  5. The rules seem unclear (as with most things Brexit) but it does appear as if there will be extra costs associated with taking equipment to the EU. https://www.autosport.com/national/news/154525/motorsport-uk-explains-postbrexit-transport-process
  6. I don't believe that. As tenants, I think the speedway club are fully aware of what is going on and have been all along. If they are not aware, then Rossiter and Kilby are negligent in their roles.
  7. It depends who you believe. Apparently the new stadium is "all but complete" and is sat in storage in Wales. Now, if you look closely, you'll see the date on that article is May 2017. You can make up your own mind about the validity of those comments. Personally, I wouldn't build a new stadium in any financial climate. The land designated for the new stadium could hold around 200 houses. If you assume a house costs £100k to build and sells for £300k, that's £40m of potential profit from building houses. On the other hand, let's say a new stadium makes £1m profit per year (which sounds wildly optimistic), it would take 40 years of stadium operations to make the same profit as building houses. Which one would you choose?
  8. This is either great news or terrible news. If the building work does go ahead, then it secures our future for years to come. If it is simply an excuse, then I think we've seen our last heat at the Abbey.
  9. It's an interesting idea. The most obvious questions are, who sets the budget and at what level? Currently clubs set their own budgets based on what they think their income will be. The challenge will be predicting income levels in 2021 and then presumably setting the budget to be affordable to the smallest club. The overarching problem for me is that this will result in dumbing down of the product, which as we've seen over the last 15 years of dumbing down, inevitably leads to a reduction in crowds. This means the following year the budgets will need to be reduced (just like the points limit is today) and inevitably, lower crowds.
  10. Anyone else spot this in today's Advertiser? https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/18848346.fresh-calls-groundwell-park-ride-return-penhill/ A Freudian slip or does he know something we don't?
  11. Let's say £5k for arguments sake. Do you think it would be easier to persuade 500 people to pay £10 each to stream the meeting or 1,250 at £4 to stream the meeting? I'd say 1,250 at £4 is a far easier sell than 500 @ £10.
  12. How much does it cost to stream a meeting live?
  13. This is why you conduct market research. I'd pay £3-4. Personally, I don't think that watching speedway online is worth any more than that. Others may differ. If the costs exceed the price times the number of sales, then it isn't a viable product.
  14. I might consider it at £3-4 but definitely not a tenner. I wonder how much market research they did to come up with this price point.
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