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Son of Shaleman

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Everything posted by Son of Shaleman

  1. You could almost sense an 'edge' around the place the night that Mildenhall visited....almost as if things weren't quite right.
  2. Well there it is. Len is retiring..can't blame him at his age. http://www.kent-speedway.com/news.php?extend.1799
  3. So, not Swindon’s fault. Then, who is to blame?
  4. Weather this week on Swindon’s side. Professional contractors can do this work quickly. Track will need a while to bed down. If I was Swindon I might hold a practice meeting or an open practice to get plenty of bikes on new track.
  5. Eastbourne Tesco, British Bookshop (owned by Smith’s in Uckfield, Smiths in King’s lynn and Smiths at Birchanget Services on M 11
  6. Dean Wilson will do very well to get a nine-point average; if that is who is coming over. We shall see. Proof of the pudding and all that
  7. Eastbourne Speedway has a long history of bringing in riders from the Kent grasstrack scene, especially from the time when Arthur Nutley was team manager. No surprise that Eastbourne Eagles are looking to the grasstrack fraternity for the 2015 team. Makes sense - those riders from Kent are fairly local and may bring supporters in as well.
  8. What can be added to the above, is that the "reach" of local radio advertising is often very low. Many radio stations may reach only five per cent of the people living in their transmission area. And then those five per cent may not be your (speedway) target audience. For example, some stations have a target audience of a 37-year-old mum on the school run.
  9. You are all stuck with your predictions - no Eastbourne to put last this year
  10. Yes, just seen Richard was the rider of the year down at Devon in 2014. Glowing "reference" in last week's Star
  11. And to be fair, rider control wasn't awfully popular 40 years ago. It is how speedway works.
  12. Yes. There is a super band of people who do not miss an away match. Dwindling, yes - but that's no different to any other club. There have been visitors to Eastbourne in the last few years who have not brought one fan (as far as one can discern).
  13. And down south, David Mason is riding from Eastbourne to Ricky's home on a bike to raise money for the fund Read more: http://eastbourneeagles.co/news.php?extend.677
  14. Cameron Woodward is not allowed to have a testimonial this year, whether at Eastbourne or Coventry. Here is a story from the Argus newspaper which explains. http://www.theargus.co.uk/sport/11627864.Woodward_s_big_day_put_on_ice___but_he_s_thrilled_with_Bees_deal/ BTW, the new team manager is Glenn and not Glen. Enjoy your speedway wherever you watch.
  15. What you do is "close the meeting" at the end of the speedway match. The SCB referee's duties are over. Control of what then happens falls to the promoting club. You can put on then what you wish.
  16. National League probably needs a better title for the match-race championship. Bronze Helmet doesn't set the pulse racing like the thought of the Golden Helmet MRC championship coming to your track in 60s/70s. I can't think of a new title at the moment but something that sounds great is needed. Agree totally about tracks needing to know if they will have the championship (or not) - for publicity reasons alone
  17. The statement on the Eastbourne Eagles official website makes NO mention of the club going Premier League. The statement implies that any such decision would be a matter for any new promoter or promoters. Statement on club website is here http://eastbourneeagles.co/news.php?extend.585
  18. Parade at 7.20. First race at 7.30pm. As irony doesn't work too well in print/online and for the avoidance of doubt, it is NOT all ticket
  19. Roundabout on the A22 near the Eastbourne track is named: Arlington Eagles roundabout
  20. Hi - official Eastbourne Lifestyle Eagles twitter is @EliteEagles. If you have Hoot suite or similar, make it one of your feeds - quite a few people use @EliteEagles when posting - and you get official Tweets as well +Lifestyle

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