Gotcha Steve. WA in my context being Western Australia (where it was a mere 36 degrees celsius today, I might add.................. )
Thanks Steve.
That's a top shout Steve. I thought Bobby Beaton would catch people out. I have to say though that I'd got your Merv Janke down as someone else..................maybe we should keep this one open until we can get it confirmed.
Thanks Steve.
P.S. Don't you have a day job ? - I have an excuse; it's late here in Aussie
This one's been correctly guessed Andrew - it was Bobby Schwartz guesting for the Stars. As a Sheffield fan, you game for a guess at 41 ??
Thanks Andrew.
Trackstar leathers with Filtrate(Morts oil sponsor) down the leg.....
.....which has got Mort written all over it. Trackstar fork covers are a clue too. I stand corrected.
Thanks Steve!!
29 - 36 Yes
37 - Yes/No/Yes
38 - No; a little dyslexic with the Moran brothers I feel, Steve
39 - No (I don't think; I'd got this down as Foxy............. )
40 - Yes (good shout) / No
Thanks Steve!!