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Everything posted by WATigerman

  1. Congratulations to Freddie Lindgren on a great performance to win the Rob Woffinden memorial meeting! A great meeting seen by a large crowd saw Freddie beat Ty Proctor (2nd), Steve Johnston (3rd) and Ricky Kling(4th). Johnno was the meeting's early pace setter with impressive wins in his first four rides before falling in his fifth ride. A great performance too from Ty Proctor but he couldn't catch the Swede who got better as the meeting went on after two second places in his opening rides. Strong performances too from the spectacular Simon Stead and Tai Woffinden who took a heavy fall in his last ride but thankfully walked away and appeared to be ok. Stead mentioned in an interview that four riders were riding three of Woffy's bikes (Woffinden/Lindgren/Stead and Ludvig Lindgren(?)). A great night's racing put on by the Speedway Motorcycle Club of WA ! Winners!
  2. Nor did I offer any. As I said, his achievements spoke for him. Infer as you will.............
  3. Of all that can be said about Carter, the words "second rate rider" simply do not merit consideration. His level of achievement speaks for itself.
  4. Well at least not in the photos we get to see, eh Jim? You mean the old box Brownie had any other kind? Thanks Jim. Be assured I will of course treat your kind words with the respect they deserve.
  5. Denzil Kent seen here leading Neil Collins at Eastbourne
  6. He most certainly does have a spectacular style does Mr Smart. I've seen him in the last three meetings at Pinjar Park where he went through the card in the first two. He's entertainment plus on on the tight circuit which is probably about as far removed from the County Ground as I'd imagine you can get. He was interviewed over the P.A. and said he does miss racing professionally. From what I've seen my guess is he could still more than hold his own in competitive speedway in the UK. Mr entertainment. Leigh Adams Dave Cheshire Concentration at the tapes
  7. Why thank you and for your further enjoyment here's a picture of Mr entertainment Frank Smart at the Western Big One Johnno Frank Smart More Frank Smart Ty Proctor Leigh Adams ..and again
  8. Congratulations to Leigh Adams on winning the inaugural Western Big One held at Pinjar Park, Western Australia tonight. An impeccable 5 wins in the meeting proper before taking the final from Simon Stead, Chris Holder and Johnno. Leigh was in a class of his own but there was some great racing on the small Pinjar Park circuit in front of a very large crowd. Simon Stead turned in a spectacular performance after picking himself up from a very nasty looking fall in the heats. Special mention to Johnno for making it to turn two on the finalists' victory lap before disappearing into the crowd for some well earned liquid refreshment A great night's entertainment! A few photographs here, here, here, here and here
  9. This looks like Derek Harrison to me Jim.
  10. Cradley 76-1 We've already had this as Steve Bastable/Nigel Wasley but I thought it was Dave Perks; could be wrong though King's Lynn 74-1 Ian Turner ?
  11. It certainly isn't; it's from Owlerton with PC leading Dougie Wyer.
  12. You certainly could say that but I'd suggest you may be wrong if you did. I gather one of the riders at a recent meeting at Pinjar Park was of indigenous descent.
  13. Any relation to Ernst Bogh who rode for Sheffield/Leicester???
  14. He did and he also went on to ride for Sheffield before retiring all too quickly. I remember reading once that he used to work as a carpenter on the set of Coronation Street.
  15. I don't mind at all falcace - thank you for your kind words and I echo your sentiments about the Shay. There was something unique about a Saturday night at the Shay that somehow seemed to embody all that was good about speedway. Great racing, great atmosphere, yet the irony was the facilities were.....well...let's just say capable of being improved. Yet for a night's entertainment it was brilliant and I for one used to love going there.
  16. I'm with you on that one. He was just one of those riders who gave everything and made it look so easy. I wouldn't have swapped him for anyone either I've got the odd ne or two Jim...........
  17. Indeed yes. I was there and had high hopes of his success but alas..........
  18. Hear, hear Tigerblade - here's another pic to make you feel 20 years younger! (PS I'm an Owl but I won't h ld that against you)
  19. Shawn really was a superb rider and one who should have achieved more. Gating was never his strong point but that made him spectacular to watch as he picked his way through the field. As Falcace has said he was also surprisingly humble and genuinely one of the nicest riders you could wish to meet, always having time for the fans. A true legend in the eyes of Sheffield fans who were privileged enough to see him ride in the 80's. An inspired signing by Ray Glover. Shooey - thanks for the memories...........
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