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Everything posted by Dekker

  1. the lack of clarification is probably due to a "party" with influence in the process fancies his chances of signing Becker. You can guess the usual suspects....
  2. Why show off a 2nd rate talent like jacobs who was going backwards?
  3. Harsh reality at least as far as jacobs is the perception he has reached his limit and unlikely to improve.
  4. it would make sense when all teams are complete
  5. feb do in morton hall if it doesn't leak by then.
  6. it's dead easy to do well paired with a rider who was at the time probably best guy in the PL. his numbers show a great 2nd string but no HL. He's a gater and if his head isnt right his performances go down the pan.
  7. he's vastly overrated at the dale as he spent most of his time with cookie. as iipo found out he's not really a HL more a super #4
  8. edinburgh teambuilding has been based on "improvers win titles, not big averages". In that sense this team is typical edinburgh, it's worked well over the years in fact the 2014 team was mocked in the same way by some and we know what happened. it's that philosophy that mean't there was never any chance of sedgy coming back as he would never increase his ave as a HL
  9. You might be right, but its how yo8u look at end of the season not the start.
  10. Then it's doubtful Becker would be much use to the Monarchs.
  11. He isn't heatleader quality Edin know what more than anyone.
  12. Throwing the cash around already if those "rumours" are true & if they have put top end together before rules are known they could be in a bit of a mess if the bspa throw a spanner in the works. Robson Summers wouldn't surprise me as foundation of the team.
  13. It's clear the monarchs didn't fancy him as a HL - nothing he did for ippo chnages that, i'd be surprised if he is back at Edin unless it's as 2nd string
  14. is sedgekman back to 2nd string ave wise?
  15. shaedenfreude surprised it was worrell who went walkabout when needed.
  16. No just abolish doubling up The whole point fixed days for the top league is to attract top line foreigners back thus we dont need doubling up any more, just use a #8 like the old days or go to squads. Thus the riders in the 2nd league can go back to being semi pro reducing the costs which hopefully means more teams.
  17. Why do you think Edinburgh parted ways with Sedgy if keeping him placed him in the team as a heatleader.
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