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Everything posted by Dekker

  1. Not seen the book, but it wouldnt explain how a rider could get to june with a 9.5pt EL average and shows great skill in guiding jimmy nilsen around the track suddenly turns into a novice who ends up in the NL the next year by any chance Biggest cheer at swindon year after was the story that in his his first ride for Hackney Simmo scored 0 at Milton Keynes cos he didnt turn his fuel on
  2. Good show by Danny King, looks to be the cream of the crop.
  3. Sorry didnt notice the links, thanks for the help.
  4. Yawn........ if only this amount of effort was put into our own juniors.
  5. Its always happened, i remember a junior at swindon called nick bates in the 80s who was exactly the same, but had regretfully little talent ut he would get beat by or 2 others on hand me down bikes who had far more talent but whose parents could not afford to subsidise them.
  6. A long time till we produce a system that focuses on riders with talent rather who parents can afford 4K engines to ride in CL. You just have to look at scandanavia to see how to run it. Combine this with the attitude of bringing low average foreigners over in the EL and PL speaks volumes for the real attitude of the BSPA which is confirmed by the attitude and actions of eastbourne to pull kennett and bridger from the U21 which speaks far louder than anything peter oakes can say.
  7. Swindon is a perfect example of that.......... RIP one of the best racing tracks until it was screwed up.
  8. At least the romanians turned up which surprised me as i thought they had not had any riders for a few years.
  9. Fsp, have you a map/list showing the locations of all the active tracks in finland?
  10. 97 was as big a fluke as loram winning.
  11. Greg is basically a gater..... always has been, can pass the lower lights but against the top class riders unlikely.
  12. Nice night for Jason, will Leigh adams see the light and get onto GMs?
  13. Wowm Well done Henrik amazing performance and well done to seb too.
  14. Good luck to Seb Alden and Henrik Møller in this one.
  15. Loram has clearly been past his best for a while.
  16. Continues the trend of over the hill entertainers at the GP surprised they didnt dig elvis up this year.
  17. About time, it sad that this has come about 4 weeks before the season but IMO anyone under 16 should be on a 80cc. Its never done the scandanavians any harm that way.
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