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Everything posted by Dekker

  1. But they dont normally advertise kids tickets do they? They have in this instance.
  2. Basic exploitation by BSI, the kids tickets were bait now comes the switch to the £25 quid a ticket. BSI are simplymilking this event for every penny, must be making big losses again on the SGP. Typical smug reply from f4eva........
  3. Yes cos nothing has changed, Kennett has never justified the hype he gets, plus theyre not snide comments, theyre a slamming condemation of the youth policy in this country. Talent matters not, all that does is ya parents bank balance.
  4. Couldnt give a monkies about Kennett, there are far better kids than him about who are not so lucky to have the support he has had.
  5. Still no explanation as to where mr legault went to?
  6. That isnt true IMO, fans just want a winning team. Sounds like a good idea but wont happen as a) its probably illeagal and in this country the sport is a business and the people in charge dont have the brains or money to develope a proper regional training program at grass roots level to focus the resources on the kids with real talent. Plus have TR and Sky the nuts to kick the GP stars put?
  7. So that 2 asses kids have to kiss now, in Oakes and now Middlo?
  8. LOL Chris, nice wind up, Kennett is already being passed by younger and better riders who actually have real talent and who aint been spoon fed top bikes cos of who they are.
  9. Danes have always picked 2 top riders, sweden tend to do the same but do throw in good youngsters from time to time ie davidsson and lindgren. Only in GB do we put kids in who will do well to score a point.
  10. You could well be right sadly. Shows that the WC needs more than just talent.
  11. Not convinced about Lindback, but we shall see. A 9+ EL average isnt as relavent as it was as the EL is anything but elite. Re adams how many times have we seen him not take the chance to shut an opponent out of a race who then comes past leigh.... been happening in most GPs last 10 years.
  12. Lindback has tailed off now the refs have sussed him out at the top level, but Leigh has never been aggressive enough to be a WC under the GP rules he was told that back in early 90s but its not his nature. On a one off system he could easily have been WC on one of his good nights.
  13. Nice score for the mighty midget mr moller
  14. Going into the EL doesnt show ambition i'm afraid looking at the dross that most teams have below heatleader atm. Riding in top league in Sweden or Poland are the toughest assignments atm, maybe why so many riders keep their best bikes for those leagues. Plus ashworth would get blown away in a stronger league as he is just a tin pot gater away from sheffield.
  15. Yes he said that earlier.
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