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Everything posted by Dekker

  1. Absolutely super, great, fabulous post, pedersen and snyper, get it up ye...
  2. Cobblers, Pedersen deserves it, no doubt most disrespected world champ out who has gotten where he is by fencing other riders, abusing refs. flopping off the bike at a drop of a hat. Pedersen has been sussed.
  3. Super, great, fabulous, lets see more of it, run him out of town.
  4. Mr Bad behaviour LOL defending fair play LOL Yes Pedersen is getting payback for what he did in the past, super, great, fabulous, lets see more of it, run him out of town.
  5. Rich coming from you LOL, Pedersen's been sussed, he wont get any even breaks now from refs LOL
  6. We have seen Pedersen pull same stunt loads of times, what goes around comes around.
  7. HOHO DIRTY PEDERSEN SUCKUP ARTIST RAY APPEARS AGAIN, YOU MAN IS MARKED MAN BY REFS NOW, HIS CAREER FINISHED ON DOWNWARD PATH. RETIRE BEFORE PAYBACK AND BROKEN BODY. LOL Seriously though Ray you always defending him, but you live by the sword you die by it. Pedersen has fenced people, flopped off conning Refs for years and now theyre not giving him any slack, tough.
  9. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha outdone by his own tactics LOL
  10. Nicki P has never ever been considered very sporting on or off a bike, he's just a mouthy bully who cries when things don't go his way.
  11. Nice to see Kalle doing so well, unlucky with the fall. Makinen as usual nowhere.
  12. Lance King riding in the wet at Cov in that triangular series.
  13. Thought he was sold off to pay off debt mid season to wolves?
  14. Didn't elkins ride for swindon too, early 90s.
  15. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV maybe there is a phone vote to help decide the winner now.
  16. not much of a long track either by continental standards.
  17. They will ride, but the tuners might be cutting back a bit.
  18. Hence the 3 year plan the bspa is currently in year 2 of ? RON BUTLER to note!
  19. Will be interesting to see the proposals they come up with.
  20. Really LOL "Newcastle Team Manager George English said: “Edinburgh, sitting on top of the league, were always going to make this a seriously hard match for us and that was proved most effectively. “The track has suffered an enormous amount of abuse from the rain of late and there’s nothing we can do about the tricky third bend at the moment, but Edinburgh’s Matthew Wethers really does deserve a massive amount of praise for leading his team from reserve in seven wheel-perfect races. His performance was one of the best I’ve seen at Newcastle. " Read it and weep
  21. Last season's top muck man Matthew "21 point 7 ride max" Wethers
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