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Everything posted by Devil-Darren

  1. Dean Machine is Dean Felton.. come on speedyguy lol Darren
  2. the biggest problem with training tracks in the UK is they dont take priority and the great british weather usually destroys it lol no bad weather in spain lol darren
  3. have a think about it really. you travel to workington i would say that costs you a fair bit on fuel etc.. to do a few laps or have a holiday in the sun and ride speedway all day every day. A friend of mine owns the motocross track in tenerife and he gets people flying over all the time for holidays and they ride all day long and it doesn't cost alot. when i found out about it i thought what a good idea. darren
  4. well would you rather do that to get a lap or have a week in the sun and race speedway all day long ? I would imagine it isnt meant as a full fixture running track just a place to have a training holiday. i know which one i would rather have. darren
  5. there is also a Speedway track on the cards to be built in southern Tenerife.. darren
  6. i will be there nice an early to book into the hotel.. then onto pick up my pit pass then into the pub for soft drinks.. hopefully meet up with some of you guys.. Darren
  7. i am sure lawrence will be on soon to let everyone know about things going on.. but i think their is hope for a euro tour. i for one enjoyed the dream team events and wish them all the luck in getting them going again. darren
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