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Everything posted by leanne1706

  1. Possible that he wasn't being serious - but after all the emotion throughout the meeting I didn't think it was the most sensible thing to shout out. And IMO it was said with mallice. You might be right about Hans... but whatever his reason, it wasn't fair to those of us that were making the effort to applaude him and his team. I think they were worthy winners and won fair and square. There was hard riding, but it's an international event, it's going to happen! And Hans was excluded when he should have been (or maybe not - I'm not 100% decided)... plus they didn't have to use a tac sub or a joker, so well done to them I say!
  2. This was my first trip to Reading, and on the whole I had such a good day and am still regaining my voice! After reading all of the posts on this thread I have to say that these few Team GB fans are a disgrace. Yes, I am very vocal at speedway meetings and I guess I did have a bit of a moan when Bomber came off, but I did stand up and applaud the Danes when they won. During the presentation I was appaled by a comment made by a man sat a few seats down from myself. As the announcer said that fireworks would be set off after the presentation he shouted out "Aim them at Pedersen". Totally disrespectful, aggressive and out of order - and I didn't mind telling him! I couldn't believe that an adult man (and not a young adult either) would be so nasty as to suggest that. It was a passionate meeting and emotions were running high for much of it, but wishing hurt on another person... disgraceful. But, on the other hand, after the press conference we stayed behind to congratulate the Danes and Scott, only to be blanked by the Danish captain. As I remember it, Charlie was the first out and he stopped to sign autographs and thanked us for our congratulations. Nicki P didn't stop, but he did nod and smile an acknowledgement when I shouted well done to him. Hans really let the side down. He marched out of the press conference, completely blanked all of the British fans (I am only presuming they were Brits - sorry if not) that were saying congratulations, and when one lady asked for a photo he didn't even have the decency to say 'no, I'd rather not'. I wasn't aware of the bottle throwing... I was stood at a different part of the track, but this is unbelieveable! To aim to hurt another person in this way is disgusting and something really should be done. I stood for the Danish national anthem and expressed my disgust at the people who were trying to drown it out with air horns. So, in a way, I guess I understand why Hans did ignore the British congratulations - but I think his ignorance was aimed at the wrong people. Just for the record - Scott stopped for photos and signed everything that was put in front of him by British fans and others! Proud to be British? Yes! Most definitely.
  3. I'm sorry to add fuel to the fire... and this is my own opinion... but as the two riders were heading back to the pits it did look (I say look - I don't know as I'm not Scotty or Hans) as though Scotty DID go to return Hans' hand shake but then pulled out and pushed his hand away. I have watched the re-run several times and it just looks this way. So maybe Scotty was displaying sportsmanship but then Hans may have said something??? I don't know, and I guess none of us do as we are not Scotty or Hans! It was a good race - and the repsonse on this thread just proves that! Made for entertaining viewing from the sofa anyhow and a lengthy debate in my household that night (am still regaining my voice from shouting/cheering/talking etc ready for tomorrow night!) I'm ready for a barrage of abuse now from Scott and Hans fans - but like I said, this is only my opinion, and I am entitled to that! (I guess being a journalist makes me perhaps more specualtive too... sorry about that! )
  4. Completely agree the ref made the wrong decision about poor old Charlie - that was a magnificent ride from him... but then even if the decision had been the other way Sweden would have still, much deservedly, gone through. Also... agree that Pearson and Tatum are probably best pairing for commentary - well, except for Kelv's infamous "put the brakes on" comment from Sunday! Tee hee!
  5. Denmark and Team GB to go through IMO. The Danes did fantastically last night after a not-so-good start (perhaps with the exception of Puk... seemed to be having an off night). And Team GB were so unlucky at the weekend. COME ON THE BRITS!!!
  6. 21st I would agree with you - I'm undecided about Louis, but Olly has been having a wicked season and I can't believe he hasn't been mentioned so much already! Ok, he may not have the average that Steady and Bomber have, but he has just moved up from reserve at Coventry to number four and has handled this well so far. He gets out on the track and gives his all, doesn't bottle it and, to quote Peter Oakes from many years ago, springs out of the gates like Zebedee (sp?)! But on the other hand, all five riders that were riding on Sunday did us proud and have most certainly earnt their place in the team. We'll have to leave the decision in Middlo's hands I guess!
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