Going to meetings is enough for me, i don't particularly want to read about it. There is a website called speedway news now where i can catch the latest club press releases. I only need the line ups and an accurate weather forecast to determine wether i go or not.
That is a scandalous decision from Godfrey, kick the IOW promotion in the nuts like he did Lakeside and Workington last year. No wonder British speedway is on its knees. Self interest governs the sport in this country.
Promoters couldn't give a monkeys about the away line ups, unless you are one of the few that have ambitions about winning something. The home meetings are the ones that matter, when it comes to balancing the books at the end of the season. How can Glasgow be expected to sell tonights meeting to the paying public.
That's the product the promoters dish up now. It's like having a bad meal at a restaurant, would you come back for more. The last three meetings i have attended were all run on slick and dusty tracks with little opportunity for any passing. These matches were all run in perfect Speedway weather, yet very little water was applied to the tracks. No thought is given to the paying punter. Getting covered in dust is all part of the fun.
The draw was a fair result on a slick and dusty track. Getting the pre meeting parade done early is working a treat, and gives a head start in case of any unforseen circumstances.
He's a different rider on the island. He used to poodle round the white line, now he really attacks the track. The move over there has done him the world of good.
My first ever meeting at Arlington against Rayleigh way back in 1972 ended up with a punch up. It was exciting stuff for a wide eyed nipper, but it was a lot more common in those days.