The story of his vast collection going straight into the skip is the stuff of legends. Probably one of the biggest losses of speedway memorabilia in recent times. These days with the internet, it's not hard to find out what something is worth, a real tragedy for us collectors.
Absolutely. The likes of West Ham were flattened immediately, yet it will probably take years to build on the Arena Essex site. Why not leave these stadiums active until planning permission is obtained.
But, don't you think that showcasing how bad speedway is to a national audience, does the sport more harm than good. At least get the product right befoe exposing it to the world. It amazes me there are still TV companies prepared to take it on.
It might be just a coincidence, but since televised domestic speedway started, crowds have declined on a yearly basis. Anyone watching it for the first time, would hardly be tempted to hand over £20 to see it live. The last few offerings have been bloody awful, racing wise.
A big well done to all of the riders last night, for getting on with the job in very difficult conditions and ensuring we got a result. The financial implications of a rain off would have been dire, for both clubs.