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Everything posted by cityrebel

  1. No different to football shads. The gooners have lost a few players from last season and i ain't gonna miss none of them!
  2. There has been talk of PL racing on a friday, but the problem with eastbourne is the traffic on a weeknight. Thursdays were a disaster a few seasons ago, would fridays work now, i have my doubts.
  3. i'm all in favour of the fast track system, but it should have been introduced at PL level this season. It has been the final nail in the coffin for the EL this year, with many fans voting with their feet. At lakeside last Friday wolves lined up with woffinden, R/R, three double uppers and two Fast trackers, absolute madness. Jon Cook was raving after the meeting saying what a great show they put on!. The worrying thing is, I think the promoters actually believe this!
  4. West ham's custom house stadium, the 'daddy' of the London tracks. I still miss it greatly!
  5. i can see Len cashing in on him next season, and I don't blame him
  6. For the worse in my opinion. I much preferred the old shape which was a lot fairer, with less home advantage.
  7. That's a fair point. The same could also be said about ben morley.
  8. Being a school night never stopped my old man taking me to west ham or white city when i was a kid. I just used to kip in the car on the way home!
  9. highlight of the season for me at rye were the comedy duo on starting gate duty on saturday. It was pure slapstick, and far more entertaining than the meeting!
  10. What side of the wall will berwick be when the border controls come into use!
  11. They were both getting some stick from the home fans at rye on saturday!
  12. Both of my kids lost interest in speedway when they hit their teens. It was different when i was their age, big crowds in big stadiums. 300 people at rye house on a damp saturday don't have the same appeal!
  13. does that mean that you lot will leave the ' British league' when you vote for independence!
  14. i'm really surprised at that low rent amount. Wimbledon were paying more than that to the GRA a decade ago!
  15. After the last race I saw Len getting heckled by some punters on the home straight, was you one of them shads!
  16. I'm a big collector of london & south east club race jackets. I have over 150 in my collection, but i have never seen or heard of an original highwayman jacket for sale ever!. But don't give up, it only took me 40 years to get hold of an original west ham london jacket from the 1970's!!!
  17. They had 2014 badges in stock at the last home meeting. A snip at £8 each!!!
  18. The dugard's can't make speedway pay at Arlington despite owning the stadium. What chance would a new promoter have with rent to pay on top of the staging costs and riders wages. I would not take it on rent free, even if I had the money!
  19. I know how you are feeling steve. I was in tears when my beloved dons shut in 1991.
  20. It's not just eastbourne is it, the crowds are staying away everywhere. Speedway is a tired old sport run by tired old men that have run out of ideas!
  21. It's no suprise to me that bob has decided to pull the plug at eastie. The crowds have been shocking this season and i really do fear for the futute of the sport at arlington.
  22. With brum almost gone and eastie going, how much life has this joke of a league got left!
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