This must be a very worrying time for swindon fans. With only a few meetings left at the abbey and still no sign of a new stadium. Shades of reading, seven years later?
I'm a regular at lakeside, kent, rye house and eastbourne. I don't support any of these teams, but I want all of my local clubs to do well. A little bit of success might help ensure that they all come to the tapes next season!
i gave rye a miss last night shads, and went to watch the raiders at kent instead. What a bunch of triers these boys are, they have been like a breath of fresh air at the launch pad this season.
An enjoyable hard fought match at Central Park tonight, with some committed racing from both sides. The raiders deserved their win that keeps them in with a chance of a gold cup place.
I must say, although king's Lynn is not my favourite venue, buster produced a superb race track last night. All of the riders looked perfectly at ease on it, inside and out. Well done to that man!
I have also heard the story about a three year contract for stock cars. I always thought that the owners of arena essex were the stock car promoters, or has this changed.
7.30 on a Sunday evening might be ok for the locals, but it's no good for travelling fans or families with kids. My journey to eastie can take two hours from south london, and with a 5am start for work on Monday morning, it might mean a trip to rye house instead this Sunday.
that was not the case on Saturday. The forecast for rye was far worst than eastie, yet they made the effort to run. The rain began at start time and got heavier as the meeting went on. Their reward was the lowest crowd of the season, for one of their most attractive NL fixtures.
I don't think I've ever been to a rye house meeting when so many regulars were missing, I really was Billy no mates tonight. Well done to the riders for battling on in appalling conditions.