I have to agree. It would take a minor miracle for the bees to get back into Brandon. It all seems like a cunning plan by several parties to make the stadium unfit for use. Who would have have guessed It!
With the threat of the curfew I can never really relax watching meetings at Kent. Last night's shenanigans did remind me a bit of the division 2 days of the 1970's, when a punch up and some controversy were never too far away!
I remember seeing Billy Sanders guesting for Wimbledon at kings Lynn, getting heckled on the victory parade truck. His response was to jump over the safety fence, sort out the individual and jump back on the truck. Billy was not a rider to mess with.
After what seems an eternity since the last home meeting, rye house face belle vue this coming Wednesday. No harris or bjerre for this match, it seems there are always riders missing regardless of the race night. Why not do a king's lynn and call the whole thing off!
Living in the south east The vast majority of the tracks are in the NL. I've got used to watching most of my meetings at this level. Do I miss the top flight, if my visits to rye house This season are anything to go by, no I don't.
I have reg luckhursts original 1974 race jacket in my collection. Apart from the all in one construction it also has Velcro side straps. It is also reversible with a different design on the inside. Why maido went to all this trouble to produce what must have been an expensive jacket to have made, who knows.